Mission: FOOD

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Jade's P.O.V~
" Hey Alexis! Wanna get groceries with me, Sebastian , and everyone? After we are going to get boba. " I said.  "Yeah! Can we go to mall after we get all the groceries?" Alexis asked. "I'll ask them later." I said putting my ankle boot heels. We started walking to the boy dorms to meet up with everyone. "Hi guys!" All the guys said. "Jasmine already left to go to the store. So hey Ryan can I ride with you~" I said. "Sure!" He said smiling. "Awe!!!!!" Alexis said. "Shut the fuck up Alexis!" I said giving her the death stare. " OK OK OK! " she said backing up. ' wow am I really that scary' I thought. " You good Jade!" Sebastian said laughing his ass off. " yes I am perfectly fine!" I said flustered. I flipped Sebastian off. "Wtf Jade! Never seen you like that." Devon said dying of laughter with Sebastian. Devon, sawyer,and Alexis got into Sebastians truck. Sebastian walked into his truck and started pulling out. Me and Ryan got into his mustang car. "So.. How did you sleep in the dorms Jade?" He said with a slight blush. " I slept fine. How about you~" I said blushing. " I slept okay I guess. I have had a lot on my mind..." He said blushing. "Oh. Do you want to talk about?" I said worried. " Oh no no! I'm fine!" He said flustered. " oh okay." I said frowning. " well we are here at the grocery store." He said. " Ok!" I said. I got out but Ryan didn't get out. I walked into the store meeting the group. I grabbed a buggie and headed the fresh produce. "Oh I never introduced myself" a girl said behind me. I turned around and it was that pink haired girl that is Jasmine's roommate. "I'm Isabelle. Nice to meet you Jade. I hear so much about you." She said. "That is nice that my sister actually likes talking about me in a good way." I said smiling. " Hey would you like some help Jade?" Ryan said with slit smile. "Yeah sure!" I said smiling. " I ship y'all! " Isabelle said. " Um No!" Me and Ryan said in unison.
Time skip~ boba time
" we are here last woba boba shop. " Ryan said. " okay. So do want to go to the mall after we get all the groceries back the dorms and put up." I asked scratching the back of my head. "Yeah!" He said without thinking. "Okay!" I said blushing
Devon's P.O.V~
" Hey Sebastian, Think Ryan has a crush on Jade?" I said. "Yeah! She also has had a huge damn crush on him ever since they meet." He said. I grabbed my earphones and my phone. I plugged my earphones into my phone and started listening to music. Sebastian grabbed one out of my ear and plugged it into his ear and put his head on my shoulder. ' shit! He is on my sholder' I thought blushing. " you okay Dev?" He asked. " Yep I'm am okay" I said flustered. Everyone was staring at us. I started calming down. " Hey guys let's go! We have to put food into dorms so we can go to the mall." Jade said. 'Shit he fell asleep! What do I do!' I thought. "Hey Sebastian wake up." I said nervously. 'Gosh he is so fuckimg cute when he is asleep.' I thought to myself. He started waking up. "Let's get going okay." I said smiling. He started blushing then he hid his face. ' I wonder if he likes me.' I thought. We walked to his truck and went to the dorms and got our groceries while everyone got there's and went to there dorrms. We all agreed to meet at the mall. When me and Sebastian got tho our dorm I opened the door and held the door open for Sebastian since he insisted on carrying most of the groceries. I walked into the kitchen and turned on the lights on and Sebastian followed. He fell on top of me when he was putting the groceries down.'Shit!' I thought. "I'm sooooooooooooo sorry." He said scrabbling out of the room. The next thing I hear is a door slamming. ' I'll go and check in on him after I put everything up.' I thought. I finished putting up my stuff and walked to Sebastian's room. "Hey can I come in?" I asked but music was blaring. I walked into his room. I saw him crying and hiding in a pillow. " Hey you okay?" I asked. He jumped and turned his face where I couldn't see his face. "What's wrong?" I asked. "It's nothing I swear." He said without looking at me. I turned his face to face me. "You can tell me anything. You know that right?" I said looking into his eyes. "Fine... I love you Devon and I didn't want you to know and I don't want you to hate me..." He said looking down and playing with his fingers. ". I don't hate you. I love you too!" I said smiling. I kissed him. He kissed me back. " Sorry... So want to go out to eat after shopping?"I said. " yeah I would like that." He said smiling. I walked to my bedroom and jumped onto my bed and started flipping out. " Hey Dev want a ride to the mall? Sawyer is riding with Ryan." He said. " Yeah I'll meet you at your truck." I said. "Ok!" He said leaving my room. I grabbed my Chuck Taylor's and put them on. I walked to the elevator. I meet Sebastian at his truck and got in.
Time skip to mall~
   "So we are gonna meet them at the food court." I said. We got out an started walking to the food court.

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