What Just Happened?!?!

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Sebastian's P.O.V~
I woke up to Devon with his head on my chest. It was so quiet and peaceful not mentioning how cute he is. I fell asleep once more but after a while Devon got up and went to shower. I got up and sat on the side of my bed thinking.
15 minutes later~
" Hey babe, Can I borrow a hoodie?" Devon asked. "Yeah!" I said watching him walk in. He didn't have a shirt on. I walked over to my closet and got my white hoodie out and handed it to him. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah! Why don't you think I'm okay?" Devon said. "Well you usually never come into my room without a shirt on and your hair is messier than ever." I said looking concerned. " You aren't sick are you?" bending down checking if he had a fever. " I'm fine!" He said. "Okay!" I said throwing my arms walking out of MY room. He started to laugh after I left. I turned around and peeked into my room. "What's so funny?!?!" I said confused. " YOU actually being worried about me being sick!" He said rolling in the floor. "Well am I not allowed to make sure MY boyfriend isn't sick" I said sarcastically. "You are BUT you have never done that ever in the year I have known you." He said. "Yeah! Yeah! Whatever!" I said walking to the kitchen. I started cooking breakfast. "Hey we have to leave at 12 today. We got 2 hours before we have to leave." I yelled into the living room. " Okay!" He said. "Well breakfast is done." I said walking out if the kitchen with our two plates of food. We sat down and started eating our scrambled eggs and bacon. "This is really good babe!" Devon said. His face lit up as he ate his food. "My dad taught me to cook." I said scratching the back of my head. "Well he taught you well." Devon said smiling. "yeah." I said blushing. After breakfast Devon washed the dishes while I jumped in the shower.
Jade's P.O.V~
At the girls dorm~
"Hey Alexis! Do you want me to see if Sebastian and Devon can give us a ride?" I asked. "Sure!" Alexis yelled from her bedroom. 'Hopefully dad doesn't do anything stupid.' I thought. "So does your dad know about YOU and RYAN~?" Alexis asked. "Of course not! He would honestly scare Ryan away." I said with a straight face. "Haven't y'all been dating for like 2 months?" She asked. "Yeah. Doesn't Ryan always tell you EVERYTHING?" I asked sarcastically. "Yeah but sometimes he forgets the juicy details." She said with one eyebrow raised. "Ah I understand." I said laughing. "Well I'll call Sebastian and let you know in a minute." I said. I grabbed my phone off the charger and dialed Sebastians phone. "Hello?" Sebastian said. "Hey! Could Alexis and I ride with Devon and you?" I asked. "Yeah, but I need to know when y'all are ready to get picked up." Sebastian said. "11:45" I said. " I'll be there then okay." Sebastian said. He hung up. I walked into the living room. "Hey, 11:45 is when Sebastian and Devon are coming to get us." I said. " Well it is 11:35 we better start heading out." Alexis said. We started taking our luggage to the side walk in front of the girls dorms. We grabbed our purses and walked outside and we saw Sebastian and Devon loading our stuff in the back of the truck. "Thanks guys for letting us ride with y'all." Alexis and I said in unison. "No problem" Devon said. Devon jumped back into the front passenger seat and Alexis and I sat in the backseat. We all started listening to some Green Day. After 20 minutes we arrived at our house and saw that Ryan and Sawyer beat us there. "Hey Ryan~" Devon said trying to piss me off. After we got all of our stuff into the house and into the living room we sat down. I walked into my room seeing Sebastian, Arlo, and John sitting in the bean-bag chairs. "So I have some questions Jade." Arlo said. "Okay?" I said confused. "So how long have Ryan and you been dating?" Arlo asked. "Welll" I said scratching the back of my head. Sebastian activates his ability and traps me in a barrier that has electricity flowing through it. "SHIT!" I yelled. " Jade Roseanne Doe answer his question." Dad said with a pissed of look. "Ummm" I said looking around. I looked over at Sebastian and he silently mouthed "I'm so sorry!"He started shrinking the barrier. " Ryan will you come here!" Arlo yelled. "Okay dad." He said walking into my room. "What is going on in here?" He asked. "You don't ask questions I do." Arlo said straight faced. Sebastian put out another barrier around Ryan, and mouthed the same thing. Arlo repeated the same question and he did the same thing. After a few more times of repeating we finally gave in. "3 months!" I yelled. "Aw!" They said. "What the fuck!" Ryan and I yelled in unison. "What just happened?" I asked. Sebastian deactivated his barriers. We walked out into the living room in complete shock and utter confusion.

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