The Surprise!!!!!!!;)

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Jade P.O.V.~
" Hey guys! Sebastian and Devon are on there way. We are meeting them at the food court. Lets start heading there." I said. "How do you know?!" Isabelle said. " I just got off the phone." i said. Everyone started laughing except Isabelle. We started walking to the food court. " Hey, Ryan, want to hang out sometime..." I said nervously. " Sure!" he said nervously. We finally made it to the food court. I saw Devin and Sebastian they were holding hands tho no one else noticed other. "Hey Sebastian, can we talk PRIVATELY!" I said. "Yeah sure. What's up?" he said. We walked to the hallway where the bathrooms are. "So whats up with YOU and DEVON?" I said. "Well he is my boyfriend... We are going out after shopping." he said nervously. "Oh okay well I am going to pick on y'all since you pick on me liking Ryan!" I said being an asshole. "That is fine with me!" he said cockly. We walked back to the group and he kissed Devon. "AWE!!!!!!!!!!!" everyone said. 'Well everyone knows there a couple now.' i thought. Ryan and I went to Starbucks because we had no idea what shop we wanted to go to. I bet Devon and Sebastian went to Hollister.
Sebastian's P.O.V.~
We went to Hollister but we left and we are thinking about what restaurant we want to go to. "What about crackle Barrel?" Dev said. "Sure! I actually never been there in my life." I said. "What! You have never had it ever!!!!!! NO WAYYYY!!!!!!!" Dev said shocked. "Yeah..."I said. "You have been missing out on the world dude! It has been concluded we are leaving the mall right now!" he said dragging me to my truck. 'Gosh he is strong but not as strong as me!' I thought. We finally made it to my truck. he jumped into the drivers side. "Keys now!" he said seriously. " Here?" I said. Dev drove us to the closest Crackle Barrel. he handed me back my keys and we walked into the restaurant. we sat at our table where we saw my truck. he got a steak and some green beans. I got a chicken sandwich and some fruit. We engoyed our time together at the restuaunt. I drove to the dorms but Dev fell asleep. ' He is so cute when he is asleep.' i thought to myself. When we got to the dorms i carried him all the way to his room. He grabbed my shirt and made me stay by his side. I fell asleep right beside him.

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