Beach day~

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~Sawyer P.O.V~
" Guys wait up!" I yelled running up to Sebastian and Devon. They stop after I yelled at them. "Ryan already abandoned you?" Devon asked. "Yeah, he left with Arlo and Remi..." I said laughing. We all started laughing. "You enjoying our vacation?" Sebastian asked. "Yeah I guess, one of the reasons is because we get out of school but..." I said pausing. "Basketball" Sebastian yelled with the biggest smile. "Yeah..." I chuckled nervously. " You are ready for y'alls first game, Huh?" Devon said. "Yep! I finally get to have a real game." I said with a big smile. "Anyways are Devon and you doing any sports?" I asked. " I don't know, but Devon does whatever he wants to do MOST of the time but he usually tells me." He said laughing. "Couldn't have said it any better myself!" Devon said laughing. We all started laughing. After a few minutes we see Jasmine and Isabelle walk out of the bungalow and wait til we got there. "Where's Jade?" I question. "Left with mom and dad." Jasmine said rubbing my head and messing up my hair. "Can you stop!?!? I'm not 7!" I yelled. "Whatever you say kid!" Jasmine laughed. I could tell that Isabelle wanted to laugh but she didn't. We all started walking together until we saw the stairs that lead us to the beach area. From what I could see I saw Jade and Ryan sitting on the beach putting sunblock on before they started playing volleyball with all of our parents. Mom and dad were swimming and enjoying their time like I have never seen before. In fact all of them were jumping around like they were teenagers again. We all walked down to the beach and started doing the same thing as everyone else, and we even have been wanted to spend more time with each other more than we usually do. Devon and Sebastian seeing sides of each other they never seen before. Isabelle and Jasmine being more open to our parents about themselves. Jade and Ryan hanging out with everyone not disappearing like they usually do. This is a vacation that I'll never forget as long as I live. Hopefully nothing bad happens....

Authors note:
Sorry this chapter is kinda short... I was super busy today and have been planning to start a updating schedule. I hope that y'all have enjoyed this update! ~

Editor Note:
Hi guys it's Megan again. Don't let the update "schedule" fool you Lotus keeps me really busy. I'm constantly helping her come up with ideas. Lotus and I work everyday to come up with ideas for the story. We are sorry if some chapters take longer than others. We really try to update as much as possible. Also, editing is a lot harder than I thought when i signed up for this job🥵😂. But, I love editing and if I missed anything please tell me, and of course follow me on instagram @qualls.megan. 
Hope y'all like the chapter don't forget to give it a heart.
(sorry for the cliffhanger it wasn't my idea I am so sorry)
Bye guyss💖

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