Chapter 1 Good things come to those who wait:part 1

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My name is Daniella Beaulieu I had always felt like I was trapped with no freedom. Though going out once in a while was fun it didn't seem like enough. My freedom was to get out there and just be happy. My roommate is Serenity Arlington. We've been best friends since high school. We both had this dream of moving out of state so where fresh.Just think of it the two of us out to take the world by it's hands. Over a couple of months we saved up money for tickets and a place. We had found a spacious townhouse . The price was great and fit our budget. I was so glad that it was still summer time so I could hit up the beach. I started packing my bags then my phone rang. It was my boyfriend Jonah "hey are we meeting at the airport" He said. " Yes Serenity and I are done packing we'll be there in five." As soon as I hung up Serenity looked and me and said " Five minutes?!..I won't have time to do my make-up." I just started laughing "you can do it in the car." We grabbed our luggage and handed the key over to the office manager. Finally out of that place for good it wasn't bad but I was determined to do better things in life. Now in the taxi my jam starts to play on my phone(this is how we do-Katy Perry). Me and Serenity look at each other and start jamming. Though the taxi driver had his eyes on the road I could see him shaking his head. A couple good hits and lip syncing later. We reach the airport where Jonah and Cameron are waiting for us. Not only am I starting this journey with amazing friends. This is a whole new level in my relationship with Jonah. For someone to literally leave everything behind for you. I started to get a little teary eyed. "Love what's wrong?" Jonah said. Oh how I loved the way he preferred calling me that over babe because I said it was cute. "Nothing love I'm just happy to be leaving just a little bittersweet." "Don't worry once we get on that plane we can finally start our life together" He said. " I would love that." Serenity shouted out "will you two stop being cutesy and get married already." She knew that I always talked about him and how much I was in love with him. "Hehe shut up" I said playfully. We all started walking towards the luggage check in. Then after a 30 minute wait we left our bags and headed to out to our terminal. I hate how you wait so long just to leave your bags it's ridiculous. Then we reached the terminal and had about 5 minutes before boarding time. As always me and Serenity took out or phones for some ridiculous snapchats. Jonah and Cameron also got in on the fun. A couple Instagram and ratchet snapchats later we boarded our plane. As we found out seats and buckled up on final snapchat and wave goodbye to the sunshine state.

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