Chapter 9 Memories pt.3

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[Deep into the night in the depths of the forest]

[Genivene's thoughts]
This path I follow seems strangely familiar. I remember walking through here as a little girl. Genivene followed but kept distance between her and Ethan. Wait! Is this the path to the vault! how does he know of it? He had just asked me where it was. We reached the area where the vault was located but he passed it. Why did he not go to it? He must really not know where it is. Well no matter that I must find out why he left in such hurry. Ethan stood in front of his home knocked on the door and Waverly answered. "Ethan back so soon what happened ?did she not tell you where it is?" "Waverly it is not about that anymore!" "-Gasp- Ethan you cannot!" "It is already to late for that.." "But if they find out you will be killed" " No matter I will only die a fool she does not feel the same" "But what about Father and the others?" "Everyone has their time Waverly we cannot stay here any longer" I cannot let this keep going I must intervene. Genivene bust the door open. "I'll do it!" " Genivene what are you doing here? Why did you follow me?" "You left in such a hurry I knew something upset you I could not just let you leave...I never finished telling you what I had to say, I will take you to the vault so you can save your kingdom" "No Genivene it is okay we will find another way." "Ethan do not be foolish you need this and I will not take no for an answer!" Genivene started walking out the door.." Are you coming wolf boy?" The two walked back to the trail that led to the vault. On their way there Ethan was silent not a word was said. "Just beyond this bridge is the vault" As Genivene was about to walk over the bridge Ethan stopped her. " Genivene wait!...I have to tell you the truth I did save you because it was the right thing to do but once I found out who you were and what you possesed I continued to speak to you at first it was to find the location of the moonstone but then I started to really listen to you and see how you would go out of your way to see me that is when I understood that if I was not by your side then I was lost I found myself thinking of you every time we would say goodbye and I cannot just keep silent about how you have stolen my heart Genivene Beaumont this item will save my kingdom but it Is no match for how you have captivated my attention just talking to you could have me killed but it is a price that I am willing to pay if it means I get to spend one more moment with you. Genivene stood frozen with her back facing Ethan she didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry if you felt like I was leading you on the last thing I wanted was for anyone to get hurt I just wanted you to know this before we reach the vault." Genivene kept walking and Ethan followed. It look just like a normal field. "Okay I get it you do not want to show me" "Shh! You'll see" Genivene stepped forward and the ground started to shake. "Genivene what's happening?!" Something started to form in the center of the field. It looked like a mountain was forming and a huge formation appears before our eyes. "This is it..a spell was set to protect these sacred grounds so only a pure blood vampire of the Beaumont family could unlock this vault if any others tried the witch who protects these grounds will kill whoever enters..that is also why I had to stop you from coming here alone you saved my life once and now I return the favor so I am no longer indebted to you" "Is that what you think of me after I told you, you think that you were indebted to me because I saved your life? Ethan grabbed Genivene and turned her around..." I will only say this once to you if you truly feel this way towards me then I will leave you be at once and never ask of the moonstone but if you believe what I feel for you is real which I know you feel something then you will let me find another way to save my kingdom" "Goodbye Ethan" The legend is true only not so much that a witch protects these grounds but that wasn't the full story. Genivene made up the story about the vault because she knew that if she told Ethan the truth he would not have let her go. The legend of the moonstone says.."Across the bridge and pass the trees, Here you may find enemies, That fight all day man on man, These grounds you see are not just land, Beneath the ground there is great power, And it will grow stronger hour by hour, One day a beast had seen these grounds, Almost killed by others when he was found, He made sure there was no longer a sound, He killed them all out of greed and shame, For it was only him to blame, He cursed the land for all that passed, One step in in might just be your last,Beyond the forest into the night, come through here ready for a fight,The beast still lurks waiting til night, For a soul that will fill his delight , But a precious treasure lies within, Will you be the one to finish him." Ethan had a strange feeling and turned around. "Geni-" his word were cut short the vault had disappeared and so did Genivene. "Genivene! Genivene!" "Poor princess walked right into my trap." A giant beast very grotesque looking appeared. "Who are you? Where's Genivene!" "She lied to you this is not her sacred vault and I am not the witch that protects it" The beast then tells Ethan the truth. "No! Why would she so that!" "If I'm not mistaken only those who are blinded by love do foolish things" "I am not letting her die!" "Such a fool you will risk your life just so she can live she does not love you she never will you betrayed her!" "That is not true!" Ethan pulled out his sword swung at the beast. The two were deep in battle it was very bloody. Ethan jumped on the beast and bit into him then grabbed his sword and impaled him. He fell to the ground. The vault started to rise again. Ethan quickly ran inside. "Genivene!!" "Ethan no we wo-" Her words were cut short by Ethans kiss. "It is going to be okay I've slain the risked your life to save my kingdom I will always be grateful " "but you could have died!" "But I did not because I would not have let that foul beast hurt you" This time Genivene kissed Ethan. "Now do not think that this means I forgive you for dropping me in the lake that one day" "Hey! It was an accident I swear" "I lied to my parents and told them I had fallen in the fountain" "Well you are a clumsy girl" Genivene shook her head and they both laughed. They retrieved the moonstone and headed back to Ethan's home. "Waverly here is the moonstone." "What how did you retrieve it their was only legends about it?!" "Well never mind them just know your kingdom will now be saved" Waverly ran up to Genivene and hugged her as she started to cry. "Genivene thank you so much" Waverly said. "Waverly make sure you tell mother and father I love them very much!" "What do you mean you cannot sta- I see well we both cannot go back now I must protect you in case someone finds the both of you" "Waverly you cannot this not your fight!" "Ethan your my brother I will never let anyone harm you so as long as your here I will cast a protection spell so neither of us will be harmed.. Genivene you must know that if you chose to stay you must leave everything behind" Waverly said. "I must stay home for one more night after that I will come here it is only fair that I see my parents once more" Genivene said. "Then it's settled tomorrow we will bring the cure to our kingdom and we will meet back here" Ethan said. "Well then I must get going goodbye Waverly see you tomorrow" Ethan walked with Genivene back. As they reached the edge of the gardens. "Please be safe Genivene" "You too Ethan" They kissed each other goodnight and off they went. They both knew about how being together would be a dishonor to both their families but they did not care. [ The next morning]
Today was the day of the grand ball. . -knock- knock- Princess rise and shine today is the grand ball we must prepare. "Yes Mary please send in my fair ladies. They came in and dressed Genivene in a casual dress. Genivene headed downstairs to the ball room. Their were people setting up tables and arranging flowers. The ball was grand. A large space was left over for the dancing. Their were beautiful chandeliers hanging from the ceilings. And a huge window looking out to the kingdom. I opened my eyes in shock. It was snowing I sure hope that Ethan admires the snow as much as I. "Princess there you are please do not stand so close the sun might touch you" Mary said. "Yes Mary I was just admiring the snow it is quite bountiful this year" "Yes my dear it is now come we must get your dress prepared for the ball" [On to the Kingdom of Amular] Wavelry cast the spell before leaving their home. The two go on their horses and journey back to thei kingdom. When they had gotten back everyone looked healthy again. Ethan and Waverly raced to the castle. "Ethan! Waverly! It worked I am so grateful for my two children you have saved this kingdom" The king and queen hugged them both. "We have missed you both now it is safe for you to stay in the castle" They stayed silent and nodded their heads. How could they tell their parents they were not here to stay. Ethan went to his room and gathered his belongings. He set them where they would not been seen. The last thing they need if for their parents to be suspicious of them. The kingdom was going to hold a celebration for the return of their children and their well being. Waverly made a compulsion potion for the whole kingdom. It would fool whoever drank it to thinking that the Prince and Princess had died. As for their parents they would be compelled directly from Waverly to believe their children had died. [nightfall beings] The celebration begins and the guest arrive. Waverly and Ethan enter their parents room to say their goodbyes. "Why are you not enjoying the celebration we will be there shortly. Waverly goes up to her parents and tries not to cry. "Mother Father Ethan and I love you very much" "Darling we love you too what is the matter?" Her father says. Waverly starts crying as she recites her compulsion. "Your little prince and Princess too , Have been gone since they were two, You remember them though it makes you sad , Just remember..(Waverly's voice started getting shaky) that we love you very much mom and dad" Once Waverly finishes the king looks up at Waverly. "What are you two doing in our chambers!" "Sorry your majesty we were lost" "It is quite alright the queen will show you the way I hope you enjoy our celebration" "thank you we can find the way back your highness. " Ethan said. The door closed behind them. Ethan rested his hand on the door and whispered. "Farewell mother and father" a tears shed down his face.

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