Chapter 10 Stages pt.2

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The nurse comes in and check up on me like usual. "She hasn't moved yet?" She asks Jonah. "No not really just a few twitches but nothing else" "She's going to be okay if she wakes up try to keep her calm the shock could be a lot on her if she wakes up panicking." The nurse finishes up and walks out. Jonah grabs my hand and caresses it. Then I grab tightly onto him. My heart rate starts racing. "Doctor! Nurse! Someone?!" I begin
breathing heavily. My eyes open then I gasp for air. "Dani! Daniella! Hey it's me it's okay everything okay!" He held onto me not letting go. Everyone rushes into the room and their all shocked. "I told you she always pulls through" Mikael said. "What happened? Why am I in the hospital?" I said. "I will explain everything to you in a bit but I'm just glad your okay" Waverly says as she holds onto me trying not to cry. "Is everyone okay?" I said. "Yes their fine you were just hurt when we escaped but your fine now" Mikael said. I noticed the snow outside so it wasn't a dream. Who was this person in my dream if it was a dream. Maybe I had woken up during my...but that's impossible I was in a coma. I'm so confused but I'll just let it be for now. I noticed that everyone was in the room except Jack. I leaned over to Jonah and ask him where he was. "Oh I think he went down to the cafeteria to get food" Jonah said. "Well I'm gonna go make sure he's alright" I said. "Wait you've been out for so long you might not be able to walk" Jonah said. I got up from the bed and almost hit the ground but he caught me. "It's okay babe I'll take you" he said. I changed and he went and got me a wheelchair. "Babe it's okay I can try to walk" I said. I looked like Bambi trying to ice skate. "Okay that wheel chair sounds great" I said. "Hehe your so silly babe" Jonah said. Down we went from the 6th floor to the 1st. -ding- the elevator stopped and we followed the signs to the cafeteria. There Jack was sitting next to the windows eating alone. Jonah wheeled me over to him. "Dani your okay!" Jack wrapped his arms around me. "Yeah I'm alright..hey babe I'm going to stay here for a bit jack can bring me back" I said. "Alright I'm gonna go home real quick and bring you some stuff and I'm gonna change" Jonah said. "Okay thanks baby I love you" "I love you too" he kissed me and then left. I felt awkward and terrible for kissing him in front of Jack. Jack looked away once I looked back. "Hey so why didn't you ask anyone to come with doing okay?" I said. Truth is we haven't talked much since I spoke with him on the phone that one day. Even though we practically live in the same house he always seems busy. "Yeah I've been alright I was really worried about you" Jack said. I touched his hand lightly just to reassure him I was still his best friend. "Thank you that means a lot" I said. "Dani can I ask you something?" "Yeah of course you can ask me anything" "How come I never listened to you back in high school?" "I don't know maybe you didn't want my advice?" "I did want it but I never took it..why?" "Well maybe you were just scared" "Sacred? Sacred of what?" "That maybe I was right and you were scared that if you fell for me you'd be hurt but I would never hurt you and I told you that but you were still scared to let anything happen..Jack I loved you and it's like you never saw that" I said. Things were getting a little emotional and Jack stayed quiet then he took a deep breath. "Dani I do love you more than you think and your right I was scared to love you and be hurt because I was always the one getting hurt but you always helped me get back up and that's why I loved you even more because even though I tried to ignore how I felt for you, you still loved me" Jack said. "How did you do it?" I said. "Excuse me?" Jack said. "How did you do it? did you just completely ignore the one person who truly loved you and would do anything for you?" Small tears started falling down my face.
You could see the shame in Jacks face. "I couldn't" Jack said. "What?..what do you mean you couldn't" I said. "I couldn't do it I couldn't let my feelings for you take over because you were moving and I had no on to turn to that's why I shut you out!" Jacks fist slammed into the table. Thank goodness their were only two other people there and they were far away. "I'm sorry Dani" Jack said. "Thank you" I said. "What are you thanking me for?" Jack said. "For telling me how you dealt with it and I forgive you" I said. "Well how did you deal with it" Jack said. The pain of just remembering what I went through was unbearable. Jack looked at me as I stayed silent. I want to tell him but I don't want to sound like jerk, but it's best if he knows. "Well I took it very hard for one you know how much I loved you so just the fact that I was moving away leaving everything behind friends,soccer,my job, people I love it was really hard..The first couple days weren't so bad because we talked it wasn't until after we stopped talking that I felt it" I said. "Felt what?" Jack said. "What it feels like to be in love for the first time and then have your heart broken" I said. I have to keep going with my story he has to know. "You meant everything to me you were there when I had heart breaks or when I just needed someone to talk to we hung out so much the first time I stayed over a guys house was your house first time I slept in a bed with a guy I had feelings for was with you first guy to say I love you to me and mean it was you imagine losing all that and never getting to be with that person Once we stopped talking I had no one we had just moved and it was vacation time my mom was working all the time I had nobody I lost myself I knew what it was like to lose everything I was so alone then I got really depressed I just couldn't figure it out how you could just ignore someone you love I blamed myself for it all I couldn't eat right or sleep right I would spend the whole night crying quietly because I didn't want to wake anyone up It went on this way for a year or so then I had finally moved on and I started talking to Jonah up until a couple months ago when you called me" I said as tears kept streaming down my face. I looked up and jack was crying to. I held his hand "Jack it's okay because I forgive you" I said. "How I caused you so much pain" Jack said. "please don't take it out on yourself I'm fine I promise I could never be mad at you" I said. "Dani can I tell you something?" Jack said. "Yeah what is it?" I said. "I -sigh- I still love you" Jack said. My eyes widened and my heart sank. What? How in the world does he still love me I love Jonah and I moved on! I- I don't love him that way anymore! Do I? All these thoughts rushed through my head. "I think we should head back now I'm feeling a little sleepy" I said even though it was a lie I just felt really confused about things. "Ye-yeah I should get you back then" Jack said. He got up and threw away his trash then grabbed the wheelchair and started pushing me. It was a silent the whole way back to the elavator. The doors close and I just had to speak. "Jack?" I said. "Yeah?" Jack said. "You know I will always love you no matter who I'm with your best friend but just understand I'm with Jonah and I love him okay?" I said. "Okay" Jack said. Even though I've known Jack since freshman year and Jonah since I graduated I can't let my feelings get mixed. I know who I love and who I'm with. It breaks my heart it wasn't his fault he was just scared , But I can't be with someone who doesn't know what they want. Jack will always be the first person I was in love with. But Jonah's the one who helped me recover from that dark place. He's risked his life for me on so many occasions so has Jack. I just hope he can find his special someone too. After what felt like the longest elevator ride. The doors opened and I was wheeled back to my room. "Thank you for bringing her back" Mikael said. "Yeah no problem" Jack said. "You doing alright?" Mikael said. "Yeah much better now" Jack said. I smiled at Jack "Hey! Let's watch some Christmas movies get everyone else in here!" I said. Good thing I had room to myself there was enough space for us all. Aria and Isaac compelled the whole staff so that everyone could stay as long as they wanted since there was so many of us. They were giving How the grinch stole Christmas( One my fave Christmas movie by the way.) Jonah entered the room all nice and freshly dressed. "Ooh the grinch I love this you feeling babe" Jonah said. "Much better thanks" I said. He came in with some poinsettias and Christmas balloons and a little reindeer stuffed animal. "Awe are those for me?" I said. "Of course got to keep the Christmas spirit alive" Jonah said. He know me so well I love christmas.I scooted over so he could lay down with me. He smelled so good I just love his cologne and I tell him every time. "I brought you some clothes and other your reindeer miss" Jonah handed me the reindeer and I put it between us. "You guys are just too cute!" Aria said. "Shh I'm trying to watch the movie!" Serenity said. "Babe chill it's just a movie" Cameron said. "It's not just a movie Cam it's how the grinch stole Christmas!" Serenity said. "I agree the grinch is awesome" Isaac said. "See someone agrees thank you!" Serenity said. I just shook my head and kept watching the movie. I love having everyone like this makes it feel like home. After the movie was over I fell asleep on Jonah. "She's so beautiful when she's asleep" Jonah kissed me forehead then fell asleep.

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