Chapter 9 Memories pt.2

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[Next Morning in the Castle]
Genivene was woken up by her maid. "Princess Beaumont today you have piano lessons, around noon you must meet with the princes of the neighboring kingdoms to discuss marriage arrangements,after you will have dinner, Then make a speech on how our kingdom could be a great ally for the other kingdoms." Genivene rolled her eyes and threw her self and pulled her sheets over. "Now Genivene that is not how a princess behaves we must not waste a second." "Alright Mary Thank you please bring In my fair ladies for my fittings." "Right away Princess Beaumont" Genivene walked out downstairs and in to the library. "I do wish I could go outdoors during the day." "Princess when we find a witch with that kind of magic you can...the music your playing is quite lovely which makes you a great candidate for marriage" Genivene sighed marriage Is not what she wants all she could think about lately is when she is going to see Ethan again. She was not focusing and missed the right key. "Princess Beaumont is something that matter?" "May I please have a moment alone." "Why of course I will be in hall if you need me."She exited the room and left Genivene be. Genivene pulled back the curtain a bit and it burned her. "Ouch!" -sigh- She stepped back at bit and opened them more. [Genivene's thoughts] The gardens outdoors are so magnificent in the daytime besides fall was about to end. The beautiful trees changed colors. Soon the winter snow will cover the kingdom with white. A man started walking out from the forest and into the gardens. -gasp- It is Ethan what is he doing here! I cannot open the doors the sun will burn me but I have no choice he will not see me. As he approached the guards it is like they did not even notice him. What is going on he is walked right past them! I heard a knock on the door. "Mary I said I needed sometime alo-." As Genivene opened the door she could not believe who she saw. "Get in before someone sees you! did you make it past the guards." "My sister conjured up an invisible cloak I had to come see you now I brought you something" He pulled out a necklace with a heart pendant on it. "Why it is lovely thank you" "It ismore than an ordinary you trust me?" "Yes well you saved my life of course I do." He put the necklace on her. "Now step out into the light" "What but I will burn" "Trust me" Genivene stepped into the sun and..."It worked" "It worked!" "Why do
you seem so surprised you told me to trust you!" "Yes it is that now I see with my eyes how hard my sister had been working on her magic" "Ethan I do not know how to thank you this is the best gift ever!" Ethan looked at Genivene then their eyes met and just as he was about to kiss her.-knock- -knock-. -gasp- "You have to go before they see you." "Meet me at dusk in the gardens I will wait for you." Ethan quickly jumped out from the window and raced through the garden. "Princess I am coming in...what are you doing stay away from the window! What happened!" "A strong gust blew the doors open I did not know what to do" "Are you alright?" "Yes I am fine thank you" "Well the princes will be arriving soon" "So let us go and meet these princes I will not be getting any younger." "That is the spirit Princess with a beautiful face like yours any prince would be a fool to not accept your hand in marriage." They headed back to get Genivene changed to a more formal dress. Genivene entered the dining room. Presenting Princess Genivene of Didenhill . Everyone in the room looked at Genivene she walked with such grace. "Thank you for all coming tonight it is an honor to have such wonderful kingdoms visiting Didenhill." As Genivene met all the princes from the neighboring kingdoms her mind was else where. A couple musicians came in and started playing music in the ball room. Everyone was escorted inside and the place was massive and spectacular. "Princess may I have this dance" asked one of the princes. "Why of course" Soon it was time for dinner and everyone gathered back in the dining hall. "I would like to make a speech if that is alright..Well I would like to say that I have enjoyed all the different princes from different kingdoms you each expressed something unique I will send a letter to the kingdoms I think will best suit Didenhill. Everyone finished eating and all said their farewells. "Princess if I may your a very kind hearted girl and I believe that it is your choice to whom you wish to marry" "Thank you Prince Berkley may you have safe travels home and find a way to be with the one you love" Carter came up behind Genivene . "Boo!" "Ahh! Carter what are you doing here?" "Did I not tell you I am a prince." " No I did not know" "Yes I am Prince Remington of Amular." "Ahh yes I knew that Amular had a prince..haha so how did you enjoy the dinner" "It was wonderful but I was more interested in the Princess" "Carter you do love to flatter well it is getting quite late maybe we can discuss that another day" "Your right no need to pressure my future ally" "Ally? But I have not quite chosen yet" "Well then I will be waiting for my letter from you haha farewell princess" He kissed my hand and left. After everyone left we prepared for bed. "Well today sure has been a lot now you get your rest princess theirs much to do tomorrow" -sigh- "Yes Mary goodnight now" "Goodnight princess." As soon as Mary left Genivene waited a couple minutes then snuck out. She found Ethan waiting in the gardens for her. They found a secret place where they could meet. They spent all night together just before the sun rose. They talked about everything and met each night. They soon fell for each other and it grew more and more each day. Then one night as Genivene waited for Mary to leave she snuck out again. As she climbed down the window she heard someone. -tsk- -tsk- -tsk- "And where are you going Princess!" -gasp- Genivene turned around and their stood Ethan with some flowers. "Now a lovely maiden as yourself must be escorted." Genivene blushed as she accepted the flowers "Their beautiful thank you" [they walked deeper into the garden so they wouldn't be seen] "So has Waverly figured a cure yet?" "She is coming so close I do not want her to work to hard she does deserve some rest" "Yes indeed and please do thank her for this wonderful gift she made me though I can only use it when I am in solitude." "If only people like us could socialize then I would be happy to make it possible for everyone to walk in the day" -sigh- "What is wrong Genivene something else bothers you?" "Well you see it is just that many kingdoms want ours to become allies but their is only one thing we must do" "And that is?" "An arranged marriage I cannot say no it is for the sake of my kingdom" "but you must remember that it is you who will pay that price" " Well you share a common mind with the Prince of Berkley he to says the same" "Tis true it is your happiness at stake!" "Your right but I have already found my happiness" Ethan looked away hurt but she grabbed his hand. "Ethan I know that we have know each other for a while and you have saved my life and I will always be grateful for that" "Well princess Im glad you have such admiration for me but you have to decide what your heart wants your happiness is all that I wish for you." "Follow me I wish to show you something." They snuck into the library. Ellie sat down at the piano and started playing. "Wow that is beautiful" "I wrote it myself." Ethan sat down next to her and just gazed at her beauty. "Ethan can I ask you something?" "Why of course" "How did you know where I was when you saved me?" "Well I felt a danger in the woods" "That could have been anything..I will not be angered I just want to know the truth" "Their is a legend that says that the The kingdom of Didenhill has an item that is required in a spell that could cure an entire kingdom." "This item you speak of what is it called?" "The item we seek is a moonstone." "Hmm moonstone sounds so familiar...Well when I was younger I would play out in the gardens... I remember my father going to the woods a lot one day I decided to follow him and their was this vault I had followed him a couple more times til one day I was right on his trail and I stepped on a stick and he saw me I remember him saying " Genivene have you been following me?" I nodded my head and said sorry He said I wish to show you something we walked into this massive vault he turned around and looked at me and said "Shh! You can never tell anyone of this place here is where our family secrets lie and here we have the most precious of them all he showed me a beautiful stone but did not tell me what it was all he said was that it is our greatest treasure." Genivene said. Ethan's eyes widened and he felt bad for only coming to save Genivene so she could tell him where the moonstone was but in reality he did fall for her. "Genivene I have to go!" Ethan said. "What you just got here?" Genivene said. "I really must go I cannot stay." With that he kissed Genivene's hand and started walking back. "Perhaps I will see you tomorrow then?" Ethan said no word and kept walking. [Genivene's thoughts] "Was it something I did? Or maybe he has fallen for me and thought I feel different?...hmm no matter I must follow him I cannot let him think falsely!"

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