Chapter 4 Escape pt.3

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We've been staying at different hotels and I think we're getting close. Jack had linked a couple more times to Dani. All the information gathered up to now shocked us . It's as if this person we were tracking wasn't Dani. They all called her Robyn. They made her do all the dirty work for them. Jonah hasn't slept much since we lost her. Every time he falls to sleep he has nightmares of finding her dead.(Jonah's thoughts) I don't know why their still searching we keep finding a lead then losing it. I feel like giving up on finding her. "Hey jack link with her right now?" Jonah said. Jack started his ritual and this link worked. "Alright Robyn now go to the blue flamingo, theirs gonna be a man in a dark grey suit that's who you kill" Said Carter. "GUYS!! We got a location the blue flamingo it's only 15 minutes from here. They all got in the car and drove as fast as they could. Well this should be easy I just lure him in to my hotel and *snap* jobs done. I got out of the car I looked back and Carter said "remember what I told you dark grey suit." I walked into this super elegant bar chandeliers hanging from the ceiling,fountain in the middle, and neon lights everywhere. I went and sat down at the bar. I was wearing a long black dress with a slit on the side,black stilettos and red lipstick. "Hey welcome to the blue flamingo what can I get you" asked the bartender. "Hmm yess"...I looked into his eyes.."now walk over to that man in the grey suit and tell him I'd like to buy him a drink." The bartender walked off and the man came over to me. "Mind if I sit here next you?" Said the man. "Not at all"..I licked my lips .."hmm let's take some shots..bartender get us a couple shots please." "Alright you guys can't take no sudden actions against her remember she's not the same she's dangerous" said Jack." I think I should be the one to go in first" said Jonah. We all walked in behind Jonah and we sat down at the far end of the bar. Dani was talking to someone..a man. "Hey Jonah she's not the same" Cameron said. He could she the hurt and rage in Jonah's eyes. One shot after another the man started getting more drunk. "Hey I think we should go somewhere quieter..I nibbled a little on his ear. The man followed me outside as we waited for our ride. I followed Dani outside I think she noticed but I need my friend back. "Hey I think you left your purse inside I came out to hand it to you" Serenity said. As Dani turned to get her purse Jonah snapped her neck. During this time Cameron hypnotized the man. "I want you to go home and forget everything you just saw" said Cameron. Jack pulled up in the car "hurry up guys get in before they come" said Jack. Everyone got in the car and sped off but now where do we go. "We're going to go to a safe place at my friend Waverly's. After we had left Carter and the others arrived but the man and Dani were no where to be seen. "Where is she?.. What happened Nathan you said it would be fine to let her be on her own" said Carter. " I don't know someone must of been tracking her..possibly another witch" said Nathan. "Whoever this witch is they must be executed" said Carter. "You guys we did it we got Dani back!" Serenity hugged her and started to cry. "Jonah what's wrong aren't you happy?" Serenity said. "Her memories are gone she doesn't remember any of us...she won't remember she loves me" Jonah said. It was a silent drive to Waverly's. We finally reached her place it was a four hour drive. Everyone was exhausted we knocked on the door and Waverly opened. -gasp- "Jack I never thought I'd see you again?!" Waverly said. "Mrs.Beaulieu please I need your help it's..." Jack said. Waverly froze once she saw Dani. She couldn't let anyone know the truth just yet. "Jack?!..How did you meet Mikael?" Waverly said. "After High School I joined the military..We were the same squad and got deployed together." Jack said. "How was he when he mentioned me?" She said. "Well for starters he didn't recognize me which was odd" Jack said. "It's much more then that...well when did you speak to him last?" She said. "About a month ago or so we all came back but I don't know where he left to he didn't say" Jack said. "Well I won't bother you anymore you all look like you could use some rest..we will figure things out in the morning." Waverly said as she left the room. A nice rest does sound pretty good. But will Dani remember anything once she wakes up.

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