Chapter 4 Escape pt.1

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"Jonah get in the car before they come...Jonah...Jonah!" Screamed Cameron. Jonah just stood there looking back at the house he turned around then got in the car. "I don't know where we're going but we gotta find her." Jonah said. "Don't worry Jonah we will find her" Serenity said. Jonah was determined to find Dani but he didn't even know where they took her. "What do you guys want with me!" Exclaimed Dani. "Look our job was to make sure we didn't let you out of out sight, wether you like it or not your coming with us" said Zane. "Trust me I hate this as much as you do" said Audrey in a snarky voice. " Well if your supposed to watch over me would someone like to tell me why the hell I don't remember anything." Cameron turned back to tell Colin something then..."Cameron watch out!" Cameron pressed on the breaks and there in front of then stood a man." Whoa whoa man what the hell are you doing standing in the middle of the road!" Yelled Cameron. " I didn't mean to startle you guys but I had to stop you from going to her. Colin darted towards the man and grabbed his shirt." What did you do with her" yelled Jonah." Hey take it easy I'm here to help names Jack Caraon I'm an old friend if lilah; if your going to have any chance of finding her you'll need my help I'm a witch. So Jonah and the rest trusted jack and continued on their journey. Again I was unconscious this time I woke up my hands were tied and I was blindfolded. What do these people want from me I must of been someone important in the past. The worst thing is that I can't remember a thing I just hope someone out there is trying to find me." Do any of you have an item of Danis" asked jack. Jonah reached over and grabbed her backpack he found a necklace that she always wore. "Here would this help" Jonah said." With this I will be able to feel and hear what she does but I can't see where she is" jack said. Jonah handed the necklace to Jack and he started to recite a spell. His chants grew louder and louder. Jack could here two people having a conversation but it was faint. "Why does dean want her so badly?... Could she really be the one to end this once and for all ? What is it anyways?" Said Audrey. " I hear a woman and their talking about some curse" said Jack. "End what..what are they doing with Dani ?" said Serenity."Their in a car traveling somewhere to the north I can feel cool air..they have her in the trunk that's why the voices are unclear" said Jack. "Their were two people who fell in love but it was forbidden " said Zane. He went on telling Audrey how their were to be executed but got away. "But then what does this girl have anything to do with it" said Audrey. "Well they say that the guardian of this girl was the one who helped the two escape, that girl will be.." Zane got out the car and The conversation stopped once he grabbed Dani they had reached there destination. Jack opened his eyes and gasped. "What...? What happened?" Said Jonah." I lost my lead once someone grabbed onto her..I'm sorry" said Jack. "Well what did you find out?" Said Cameron.

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