Chapter 9 Memories pt.4

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Waverly and Ethan took their belongings and disappeared with their horses into the night. [back at the Kingdom of Didenhill] "Princess your dress is ready please hurry along" "Coming!" Genivene really did not want to see Carter he was so touchy with her. She did not like they way he spoke about her kingdom being allies with his. I think he is up to something I have to keep my eyes open. The king and Queen entered the room "Genivene my dear your look spectacular" her father said. "My princess will make a fine queen" her mother said. "Well we don't want to keep Prince Remington waiting" Genivene walked down the stairs and Carter was in shock. [Carters thoughts] My dear Genivene I've never seen you more exquisite then tonight. I wish that you hadn't chosen that creature over me. We could have been amazing rulers. But I cannot let my heart win over my revenge which is greater. You have broken my heart and now you must pay. They arrived to the ballroom."Introducing Princess Genivene Beaumont escorted by Prince Carter Murrieta." The other royals were also announced. "The king would like to say a word." "Before any festivities commence I would like to thank you all for coming and may you enjoy your evening." The floors were so spotless and the decor was extravagant. The ballroom was crowded with many other townspeople and royals. Music started to play. "Genivene may I have this dance?" Carter said. "Why of course!" Genivene curtsied and started to dance. As they were dancing Carter leaned in and tried to kiss Genivene, she resented. "I'm sorry Carter I cannot kiss you!" He held her tight and whispered in her ear"If you run I will kill you will dance with me and listen to what I say." Genivene's heart was pounding but she had to do as she was told. "I know about your secret hideout and of your secret lover now I will give you a will be pleasant and the other not so much" Carter said. "Do you know who your speaking to my father is the king I could have you executed for such treason" Genivene said. Carter started laughing at Genivene "If what I'm telling is a lie then you would have no problem If I exposed your little Ethan.. I know where he is and will be glad to kill him myself!" Carter said. "Don't you dare hurt him!" "Oh so you agree..-sigh- my dear Genivene look what you have gotten yourself into if only you had fallen for me instead of that creature I would have given you a chance but you know it is forbidden so what is your choice going to be?...become my queen and rule with me ..or die?" "I will never rule with such an incompetent fool!"As Genivene turned to run Carter grabbed her necklace but it broke she was going as fast as she could out the castle. Before she went to change into her gown she had compelled her parents. She took one the horse and raced through the forest. Waverly knew Genivene would be coming and set up a spell. "Ethan!" She got off her horse and ran into his arms. "Car..Carter!" "What is wrong Genivene slow down!" Ethan said. "Carter knows of our secret and is off to tell the whole kingdom!" "This cannot be how did he find us..Waverly I thought you said you were going to protect us" Ethan yelled. "I did he must be or know a witch that helped break the magic they must have been watching you two closely" Waverly said. "Well no matter that now we must prepare to fight!" Ethan said. "They have too many men you'd be killed..besides if your family found out about us they'd want us killed too" Genivene said. "Actually our parents think were dead we compelled them to think so." Ethan said. "I also made my parents forget my existence" Genivene said. "We have to find another home." Waverly said. The three of them gathered what they had got on their horses and fled. "This should be far enough for them to stop looking...I'll set a protection spell over us" Waverly said. "This is our new home"Genivene said as she smiled. They all sat outdoors to keep watch. They started a fire and it kept them warm from the winter breeze. Ethan grabbed Genivene's hand. "We have gone through so many things and in the time I got to know you I knew that I could not picture my life with another ...So Genivene Beaumont what do you say will you marry me? Genivene's eyes widened and she was speechless. She started to tear up "Yes of course I will!" Genivene attacked Ethan into the snow and kissed him. "Haha you two are so cute" Waverly said. [ A couple years later] ---------------------Waverly's magic grew stronger each day she swore to Ethan and Genivene she'd do anything to protect them. Although this was Ethan's little sister she expected him to treat her as an adult. Ethan is grateful for all that she had done for him. He could only repay her with gratitude and brotherly love. Waverley was sitting by a lake and Genivene walked over to her. -sigh- "It's so nice and peaceful out here nothing like back at the kingdom" Genivene said. "Well we finally found a place where we are safe I think it's good to say that you two can start a family of your own" Waverly said. "I think your right I've always wanted a child of my own" Genivene said. A couple months later Genivene was with child but wanted to surprise Ethan. "So how should I tell Ethan?" "Well just tell him something you know he'd love" Waverly said. Ethan had just come back from hunting. [Conversation between Ethan and Genivene] " Ethan can I have a word with you?" Genivene said. "Yes what is it?" "Are you ready to start are journey together?" "We already are on our journey." "No I mean I am with child." Ethan looked at Genivene shocked but he was so happy and he hugged her and spun her around. "I'm so happy my dear what shall we name the baby?" "Well I don't know the gender yet but I think if it's a boy Cameron." "Yes and if it's a girl Aria." "Those are both beautiful names but now you must rest and eat well Genivene because you no longer live for one heart beat" Waverly said. The four were no longer bombarded by the angry townspeople. I guess Carter had finally given up his revenge against them..or so they thought. [Back at the kingdom] "Now you say your a witch so that means you'd be able to help me track someone?" Carter said. "Yes that's correct I'm the best tracker around" "And might I ask your name?" "Of course my name is Nathaniel." "Well Nathaniel we have much to discuss so hurry along." Carter told Nathaniel his whole plot and how it was ruined. "So all I have to do is help you track this girl and kidnap her?" "Yes that's correct but make sure you erase her memories of that horrid creature she loves so!" "As you wish I will need a item that is hers to track her" Nathaniel said. Carter handed him the necklace that Genivene wore the night of the ball. "She tried to escape when I told her I knew of her secret but I couldn't grab her this is all I have" "That will do just perfectly." Nathaniel started to chant he held the necklace over a fire and burned it. Then he took out a map of the kingdom and poured the hot metal on it. The metal stood still in one spot then as Nathaniel chanted it started to make a trail out towards the forest. Once he finished they looked at the map and the tracking was complete. "The hunt starts now go and find me my girl and don't hold back if anyone tries to stop you" Carter said. "Yes sir as you wish" with that Nathaniel left into the forest. "Do you really think Carter has given up?" Genivene said. "I believe he will no longer bother us for the time being but not you worry now you must rest I will protect you" Waverly said. "Waverly may I have a word with you" Ethan said. The two left the room and headed outdoors. "If anything were to happen to us after our child is born I want you to take it and run away as far as you can" "But eth-" "Waverly please just do as I say I'm not asking you only as a father but as your brother" "Of course I will protect it with my life" "Thank you sister I'm eternally grateful for what you do to keep us safe" Nathaniel finally found where the three had been hiding out. He took no further action hearing the news of a baby should change Carter's mind. Nathaniel hurried back to the kingdom. "I leave you to go kidnap her and you come back empty handed is everyone in this kingdom useless!" Carter yelled. "Sir if must know theirs more to why my actions were pursued" "Go on this news you bring me better be of use" "The girl your searching for is Princess Beaumont correct" "Yes that is her" "Well it seems that she is with child" Carters face went from calm to enraged. "How dare she create an abomination with that monster I won't allow it...they must be exposed but not just yet I will wait til the day the child is born then I will announce to the kingdom of this they won't stand for it and if it means war well may the best man win!" [Fast forward to the baby's arrival] "Waverly! The baby's coming!" "Okay just relax lay here and take a few breaths .Few moments later and -baby wailing- "Congratulations it's a boy." Genivene was in such shock she started to cry. -gasp- "He's so precious" "What shall you name him?" Waverly said. "How about Cameron after my father" Ethan said. "Welcome to the world baby Cameron" Genivene said. "The child is here" "Let the war begin!" Carter walked out into the courtyard and stood on the podium. "May I please have everyone's attention someone here in this kingdom has committed an unforgivable crime and must be stopped..One of our very own has fallen for a Shadow spirit and they've created a hybrid" Carter made it up he didn't know if the baby was actually a hybrid because hybrids were just myths at the time. One of the townspeople shouted "That's Impossible hybrids do not exsist!" "Oh but it is very possible my good sir if we don't stop them they will continue making an army and bring a war upon we must act now!" Soldiers from the kingdom were preparing and Nathaniel led the way. "It's not safe!" "What? But you said" " I know what I said but I can feel the presence of many I'll try to hold them off!" "No! I started this when I saved her life and I will end it protecting her!" " Ethan don't be a fool we must all leave!" "Then it's time and you must do what I spoke of just remember don't look back keep running we will find you once again" Genivene and Ethan said their goodbyes to baby Cameron. "Now be a good strong boy and keep your auntie safe" "Don't worry my son I will find you again!" The soldiers have reached the place the three resided in. "By the kingdom of Didenhill Miss Genivene you are wanted for the creation of a hybrid and for this crime you and your husband will be executed and if there is further trouble we will taken necessary action!" While Nathaniel went on Waverly had placed an invisible cloak over herself,the baby, Genivene and Ethan. They each took a horse and went off into the woods. The soldiers were trying to break down the door. "Their getting away!" "What how theirs no one in sight and we have the place surrounded" Nathaniel could see through Waverly's spell. He got on his horse and tried to follow them but their tracks were covered. He caught a glimpse of the baby but it was with just a woman. Could it be Genivene? Why would Ethan leave her alone? Or must their be another helping. Waverly headed one way and the other two another way. By the time Nathaniel came back the soldiers realized they were indeed gone. -sigh- "Carter was right everyone in this town is useless..well he's not going to like this" "alright everyone return to the kingdom!" Once everyone returned Nathaniel told Carter what happened. He was so furious he killed the first solider he saw. "Carter are you mad why did you kill him!" "He was useless anyways killing him won't help me find her but it sure felt good to relive my anger" Carter said with a snarky laugh. "So you say theirs a possibility that their escape was assisted?" "Yes and by another witch because I could feel the prescience of magic" " That Ethan must pay for all the horrible things he's done " " So your saying you want him gone? For good?" "Hmm what do you have in mind?" "Well their is a spell that could kill him but it has a price" "I do not care what it is just tell me" " Well the spell can only be cast from a witch in his family" " Well I don't know anyone in his family all we know is a witch assisted him but I know she will not kill someone is she assisted them" " Well if it was indeed someone of his blood they must pay... And that price will be their first born whom shall create a poison to end his life..Then til that time comes she will be cursed" "Well I guess it seems our paths will cross again very soon"

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