Chapter 7 Fresh Start pt.3

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[Halloween eve]Advantages of having supernatural powers , makes clean ups a hell of a lot easier and funner. Aria and Isaac were on breakfast duty. While me and Jonah did a speedy clean up. "Okay why are we cleaning this up alone where's Serenity and Cameron. We checked out on the deck,roof,balcony. We opened the door to their room and they were sound asleep. "Aw how cute..this calls for a prank muahaha." I thought to myself yep fireworks should do the trick. We put a couple fireworks in a pot lit em and quickly closed the lid. After a couple seconds they came running out screaming. "You guys what the hell I'm trying to sleep" Serenity said. " it's two in the afternoon Dani and I haven't slept and were cleaning." Jonah said. "Alright alright you got a point I guess we'll wash dishes." Cam said. After we cleaned up we all sat down for breakfast.(yes no matter the time we we up first thing we eat will always be breakfast.) " So there's this Halloween bash at this club you guys down " Aria suggested. No one had gotten their costumes yet so we headed out to get them. This is our first Halloween together we gotta make it count. We arrived at the Halloween store and after a couple hours we found our costumes. Jonah and I are going to be Catwoman and Batman. Aria and Isaac are going to be Harely Quinn and The Joker. Last but not least Serenity and Cameron are going to be thing 1 and thing 2. After paying we stopped for hot chocolate then headed home. [Halloween Night] "okay is everyone ready to head out ?" Cam asked. "Yeah we're good..let's go get white girl shit face drunk!" Jonah yelled. Everyone cheered and laughed along. We arrived at the house and this place was amazing. The property was huge and so was the crowd. The first thing you notice when you walk in is the huge chandelier. Their were people walking around giving out shots in test tubes. "Welcome and Happy Halloween would you guys like some" the server said. Their were various types of shots. Shots in the air and a toast. "To the beginning of many more memories." Our shots clinked and we all drank up. We asked for another round and another and another. "Dani come on let's go dance" Jonah swept me away. The rest joined us on the dance floor as well. "Alright everybody now it's time to show me how you move!" The DJ shouted. -thriller starts playing- everyone started cheering. After bustin some moves and thankfully nothin else, Jonah grabbed my hand and led me outside. "-sigh- yas finally some fresh air haha." "Love your so silly" Jonah said. Then he embraced me and kissed me forehead. This property was so massive. Behind the house their was a garden. "Wow this is so beautiful let's go in." The music in the background grew fainter. "Everything's so nice and quiet out here" Jonah said. We stopped and started kissing. He pushed me up against a tree. After a while I couldn't really tell where we were ,everything looked so similar. I could feel his hands running down my back. While I ran mine through his hair, slowly grabbing a handful as the kisses got more intense. -twig snaps- "Did you hear?" "It's probably nothing this place is safe." Jonah said. We kept kissing then we heard a howl. "Okay now I heard that..who's there" Jonah yelled. It was so dark we just kept hearing growls. I got out my phone to call Serenity for backup, but their was no signal. I saw a pair of glowing golden eyes. Then another and after a while we were surrounded. "Whatever you want you can't have her I won't let you!" Jonah said. "Actually we want both of you" The voice said.

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