Chapter 9 Memories pt.1

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[Flashback to Genivene 1701]

Genivene Beaumont was a very soft spoken girl. She was royalty the princess of the Didenhill kingdom.Their was another royal who was infatuated with her. His name was Carter Remington he came from the kingdom of Amular. He flattered Genivene so she would become in love him. So that one day he could become the ruler of their kingdom. "Genivene Beaumont you are the fairest maiden of Didenhill would you be kind enough to let me escort you to the Grand Ball?" Carter asked. "Why Sir Remington I'm flattered I would most certainly love to be escorted by you" Genivene replied. "Fantastic I will pick you see you then !" Carter said. "Farewell." Genivene said. [Now to a quieter part of the kingdom] Genivene went into the gardens before she had everything prepared. The gardens were massive and expanded out towards the woods. She knew a path to get to the woods that lead to a magnificent lake. Hunters always lurked around the edge of the forest waiting for vampires to make an escape. [Genivenes thoughts] I feel a strange presence around me must just be the cool forest air. Before I knew it I was surrounded by hunters. "Look what we have here the princess making an escape?" "You should not be out here all alone it's getting quite dark" The hunters started to laugh and tease Genivene. "I am not trying to escape why would I...Gau-!"Shh you scream and I'll cut your throat...Besides the guards are too far to hear you " One of the men grabs his knife and slits his hand. "Whoops would you look at that I'm just such a klutz." Genivene knew they wanted to kill her if they found out what she was. As she was about to attack the man a loud growl came from the woods. "Looks like we have company..-whistle- -whistle- come on out Wolfe." Then various howls started to form. "Hey okay now we do not wish any trouble!" "What is wrong you men have bitten off more then you can chew!" Said one of the wolfs. The hunters were no match for the werewolves it was a bloody massacre. Some got away running in fear. I didn't want to see anything so I shrunk to the ground and covered my face. Then someone grabbed my hands and removed them from my face. "Ahh please do not hurt me!" "Are you okay?" Said the boy. This boy was so handsome and brave he doesn't know me yet he saved my life. "Y-yes thank you!" Genivene said. "Oh your hurt let me help you." He said. "I guess I was in such shock I did not notice" She said. "My home is not far from here I have what I need there." Genivene agreed to let him help and he carried her there. -knock knock- The door cracked open and there stood a young beautiful girl. "What happened?..[she noticed the girl was a vampire] Quickly get in before someone notices you!" The girl replied. "I was out with the others when I sensed someone was in danger" he said. "Thankfully he was there in time if not I would of been killed" Genivene said. The boy was patching up Genivene when he realized he never introduced himself. "I'm so sorry miss I forgot my name is Ethan Martin by the way and this is my sister Waverly Martin" Ethan said. "Martin?! It's honor if heard of your father he's a very courageous man as are you thank you for saving my life...My names Genivene..Genivene Beaumont" Genivene said. "Genivene Beaumont your highness it's an honor." Waverly said as she and Ethan Bowed. "Oh please no need to Address me so formally." Genivene said. "So what was the princess doing out in the woods?" Ethan said. "Well actually I wanted to go to the lake it's always so peaceful" Genivene said. "Well you should always be accompanied miss especially through these woods" Ethan said. "Maybe you could accompany me next time" Genivene said as she brushed off her dress. You could see how Ethan and Genivene had an instant connection and couldn't stop talking. "Well I better get going before my father sends the guards looking for me" Genivene said. "I'll assist you back til your safe enough" Ethan said. "Why thank you Ethan it was nice meeting you Waverly" Genivene said. She gave Waverly a hug and was off back home. [On the walk back to the gardens] "If you do not mind me asking but where are you and Waverly out in the woods?" Ethan felt a little uncomfortable sharing but he wanted to tell her. "I'm sorry if it's uncomfortable to speak of I won't ask" "No quite alright...well my father the king is sick and it seems to have spread so he sent us away so we wouldn't get it but Waverly has been practicing each and everyday with her magic and is coming so close to finding a cure. "I am so sorry if there is anything I can" her words stopped short because she knew it was forbidden for Vampires to associate with any other magical creatures. "It's quite alright just the honor of meeting you is more than enough" They reached the edge of the gardens. "This is where we say farewell" "Miss Beaumont...I mean Genivene I bid you farewell but may I see you soon again" He grabbed Genivene's hand and lightly kissed it. Genivene blushed and turned her face away. When she looked up Ethan was gone. Genivene looked up at the moon and she heard a howl. " May we meet again Ethan Martin."

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