The New Vigilante

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Izuku's POV


   I sat up, turning off the alarm. It was currently 5:30 am, 30 minutes before my daily morning run.

   I grunted as I got up, slowly getting ready for my run.

   I usually run to the park and the beach and back home. And that's exactly what I'm going to do today.

   I silently closed the door as I stared up at the sky. Cloudless, still a bit dark, but still beautiful as always.

   "Tomorrow's the day I'm finally going to start my vigilante career." I said, starting my jog. "I just need to make sure my quirks are stable enough to be used."

   As I jogged along my usual path, I observed everything. The flower shop owner waved at me.

   "Your morning jog?" She said, laughing.

   "Yep! Your flowers are pretty as always, Mrs. Aikido!" I waved back, smiling at her.

   She nodded as I passed by. Soon I saw Mr. Hikura walking his dog.

   "Hello, Mr. Hikura! Hello, Mimi!" I said, stopping to pet Mimi.

   Mimi started jumping up and down in front of me. I chuckled as I hugged her.

   "You're one healthy young man. On your walk as usual?" Mr. Hikura joked.

   "Yep! Well, I got to go! See you next time, Mr. Hikura!" I said, waving as I jogged away from them.

Time Skip

   I hummed along to a song, drying my hair. I took a shower after lunch.

   Now, it was time for me to study about quirks and train my quirks to make sure that I have control over them.

   I managed to master Power of Kitsune, and Crystalis. I just needed to master Nature's Force.

   I sat on my bed and closed my eyes, focusing on Nature's Force. I was able to activate and deactivate it. I was just not able to control it.

   After a few more hours of training and studying, it was time for dinner.

   "Thank you mom! It tasted great!" I said, munching on the dinner my mom made.

   "I made it for you since you're training so hard!" She smiled, watching me eat. "I'm glad you like it."

   "I love it!" I said, finishing my dinner. "I'll get back to training."

   "Okay! Make sure to sleep before 11 pm!" She said while I went to my room.

   "Got it!" I said, closing my room door.

Time Skip

   I sighed as I plopped onto the bed. I managed to control most of Nature's Force, just that it is unstable.

   "I guess I'll just use the other three until I get Nature's Force completely under control..." I mumbled. "I'll also have to tell mom about my plan soon..."

   I sighed as I crawled onto the bed, closing my eyes in exhaustion.

   "I wish I could've just have manifested my quirks at the age of four like everyone else." I mumbled, opening my eyes once again. "But anyways, since I have my quirks now, I'm going to be a hero for everyone, quirkless or powerful, weak or strong."

   I smiled to myself as I thought about helping people in need.

   After a few more moments of twisting and turning on the bed, restlessly, I finally fell asleep.

The Next Day

   I woke up, yawning as I sat up. I jumped out of bed and put on my vigilante outfit.

   It was a simple green hoodie and a pair of black pants. I also put on a black mask with the word 'HExx' sewn onto it with white thread.

   Although the hoodie, pants, and mask seem normal, I made it with a special thread. It was made so that it wouldn't rip or tear apart when I use my quirks. The outfit was also resistant to other quirks dealing with physical damage.

   "I really should tell my mom about my plans for the future. I just have to hope that she'll support me..." I sighed as I trudged to the living room.

   "Hello, sweetie. Where are you going?" Mom asked. I smiled.

   "Um, well...I have something I want to tell you..." I scratched my neck.

   "What is it?" Mom asked.

   "You see...I decided to become a vigilante." I said.

   "You WHAT?!" She screamed. She came up to me and started to shake me. "Are you out of your mind?! That's illegal and dangerous!"

   "Mom, calm down. Hear me out first." I laughed nervously, sitting her down.

   "I know that it's dangerous. I know it's illegal..." I said, sitting down across from her. "But...It's the only thing that would make me happy...Please, mom. Please let me. I'll take full responsibility."

   My mom hesitated for a bit and sighed. She looked at me and nodded.

   "If that's what you want to do, I'll support you." She smiled. "I've always felt bad when I saw how bad you wanted to become a hero. So, I'll support you."

   "Really?! Thank you so much!" I said, hugging my mom.

   "It's the least I can do for you." She hugged back. "Now, go and make me proud."

   "Okay, I'll be back by 11 pm!" I said, running outside. "I'll make you proud!"

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