| chapter twenty two |

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she was slow dancing in burning room

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" A squeal of excitement rang throughout the main studio of The Next Step

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"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" A squeal of excitement rang throughout the main studio of The Next Step. All the dancer's looked towards the gleeful brunette that was jumping up and down as she stared into her phone.

"Raelynn!" The said girl rose her head to see her girlfriend with her eyes wide. "Language!" Raelynn giggled, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly as she looked towards the younger dancers who were all staring at her with amusement.

"Sorry." Riley pulled her girlfriend into her office, yelling at the others to continue stretching or doing whatever it was they were doing.

"Now, what's got you so excited you just had to scream in front of everyone?" Raelynn basically shoved her phone into Riley's face, her teeth biting into her lips to stop the massive grin that threatened to expand across her face. "No way." She breathed, reading over the text Raelynn received. Riley looked up to her girlfriend, who was nodding her head quickly. "No way! That's amazing, babe!"

"What's so amazing?" Alfie asked as he stood by the door on the other side of Riley's office, eyes laid fondly onto the brunette he had fallen head over heels for. Raelynn felt butterflies erupt in her stomach as memories of that night filled her head. She and Alfie had sex throughout the whole night, both of them exhausted after. They came in late the next day, quickly making up a believable excuse. Raelynn hastily shoved the memories away. It wasn't the time right now.

"I've been asked to do a dance video with Brian Matthew from Brian himself!" beamed Raelynn, her eyes shining bright with excitement. For those of you who don't know who he is, Brian Matthew is a celebrity dancer known to create abstract videos of dance that always told a story. He was told by many that he wouldn't make it as a dancer, but he didn't give a fuck and pursued his dreams, becoming famous after posting his first video in just a few weeks. He was Raelynn's role model growing up. Alfie grinned at her excitement; it was contagious. It was one of the reasons why he genuinely loved her.

"That's fantastic, Rae!" The said dancer nodded, rushing over to him to wrap him in a hug. She was a big ball of energy right now. Raelynn felt like she could run around the block and still not be tired. Riley felt at unease when her girlfriend went and hugged Alfie instead of her. However, she brushed it off as Alfie was Raelynn's best friend — if only she knew how wrong she was. They were more than friends. "Wait, how though?" he asked as they broke apart.

"You remember the dance battle we had with Enchanted last week?" Alfie nodded his head. "Well, someone posted a video of my solo online and BAM!" she excalimed loudly, shocking the two in the room with the volume of her tone. "He came across it and now wants to dance with me!"

"That's wonderful news, Raelynn." smiled Alfie, an affectionate look in his eyes. After that one night they shared, all they had been doing was texting and calling each other every day. There wasn't a moment when the two didn't know what the other was doing. They liked the closeness of their relationship. It was something Raelynn didn't get with James and Riley. "When are you doing the video?"

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