| chapter twenty |

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if you stumble, make it apart of the dance

AMANDA WAS FREAKING THE FUCK OUT as she watched the blonde dance

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AMANDA WAS FREAKING THE FUCK OUT as she watched the blonde dance. She was excellent. Her moves were precise and clear. There was no hesitation at all.

"I can't beat that!" She whispered into her boyfriend's ear in panic. Anxiety, fear and panic crept into her veins, doubt filling her brain with negative thoughts.

"Yes, you can," Noah spoke, grabbing the taller girl's shoulders and forcing her to look into his eyes. "I believe in you." Amanda felt her nerves calm down. Just looking into his eyes gave her a sense of peace and relief. She felt like she could do anything when he was by her side.

"Well done, Lucy! That was excellent." The blonde grinned and walked over to her friend's, fist-bumping them and hugging them.

"Your turn, Amanda." With one last glance at her boyfriend, Amanda began her dance.

Raelynn bit her lip as she watched. The brunette's dance was good, but it wasn't good enough. Nothing she did showcased her amazing dance abilities. Raelynn knew she should've encouraged Michelle to do the solo. Now they'd have to do a tiebreaker.

"Lucy from Enchanted wins." And she was right. Amanda wasn't the right girl for the job. The more she thought about it, the more she realised that Amanda was probably the worst dancer they had on the team. Raelynn made a mental note to help Amanda unlock and improve her true dancing abilities.

"Tie breaker?" Raelynn suggested. Kayla nodded.

"You two should do a solo." Kayla's little sister, Kaitlyn, said. The two dance captains glanced at each other and nodded.

"I'll go first." Determination filled Kayla's whole body. She wasn't going to lose their studio, nor was she going to lose to Raelynn. She picked out a song she was very familiar with, something she practised a ton of times.

( s e c o n d d a n c e )

While she thought it was a good idea, it was actually a flawed one. Because she knew the dance off by heart, she was too confident. She was so concentrated on her dance moves that she forgot to put in the emotion it needed. Raelynn could easily pick up on her flaws, and she was going to use that to her advantage. All the dance did for Kayla was promote her good looks. It didn't tell a story at all. It was a dance to a song. That's it.

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