Michael's Favorite Thing About Everyone

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Supernova: Okay. This is both an ask and a dare from JJ_Stuff25 for Michael:

Michael: Oh no.

Supernova: You need to choose one thing about everyone that you like most about them.

Michael: That's going to be difficult.

Jeremy: Pretty sure that's the point, bud. Sorry.

Michael: *Pouts* Okay. I'll start with Jeremy.

Jeremy: *0*

Michael: You're incredibly sweet. Like you're always asking how I'm doing and being, I dunno, amazing.

Jeremy: Aww, thanks!~

Michael: ^_^ Now I'ma do Jake:

Jake: Ooh!

Michael: You have some awesome vibes. Like, if you're in the room, I know that it's most likely going to be a good time.

Jake: Thanks!

Michael: Now for Rich. Rich, you have this secret geeky side to you and I just really like that part of you.

Rich: Okay, apparently I'm not ath good at hiding it ath I originally thought... But I'm glad you like that thide of me!

Michael: Brooke?

Brooke: *Knows what's coming* Yeah?

Michael: You're really nice to everyone. You're the person everyone can depend on if they need it and it's amazing how you're willing to do that. But that's not to say that you can lean on us too.

Brooke: Aw, thank you!

Michael: Chloe can have a surprisingly amazing sense of humor. Like she's actually unusually quiet, and then bam, she has a super amazing improv bit that she came up with on the spot that everyone finds so hilarious.

Chloe: Oh, really? Thanks!

Michael: If you ever want a video of something hilarious that happened, Jenna is the one who has it. So it's really cool to have someone in your friend group who you can rely on for funny videos.

Jenna: ^_^

Michael: Christine is a lot of fun to be around and it's just really nice to have her around.

Christine: *Hugs Michael* X3

Michael: Squid is uper smart. Like it's scary. Although that may be because he's a supercomputer but still. It freaks me out sometimes.

Squip: Thank you.

Michael: And Super is someone I can talk to if I really need it, and I know she'll be non-judgmental, she'll just listen and try to help.

Supernova: Oh, thank you!

Michael: ... And that's everyone!

Supernova: Okay. Thank you for that ask, see you next time!

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