Masamune Date Chapter 1

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. . . Well, that just happened. Of course, my choices for staying here and accepting the job were "yes" and "yes, my lord." I just need to keep my head about me. And attached to my shoulders.  

Nobunaga ordered a feast to celebrate the appointment of his new chatelaine -- me. There were piles of food, fit for a daimyo, but I didn't have much appetite.

          Nobunaga: "So be it. Then I appoint you as my chatelaine. Work hard and prove your worth to me, Mai."

I'm Nobunaga Oda's chatelaine. And that means? How do I take care of a castle? And the people living in it?  The feast ended with me no better informed. Mitsuhide was the first to stand up.

Mitsuhide: "If you'll excuse me, my lord, I should be going."

Ieyasu: "I'm going too, Nobunaga." Everyone's going off to work. What should I do?

Hideyoshi: "You're looking lost, Mai."

Mai: "Actually, Hideyoshi, you're not wrong. I want to get to work, but I don't know where to start."

Hideyoshi: "I'm pleased you're taking this seriously. You should start with the basics first. Familiarize yourself with the castle. Mitsunari and I will show you around."

Mai: "Thank you! That will be a big help."

Hideyoshi: "And if I think you're acting suspiciously, the next place I'll show you to is the dungeon."

Mai: "Right. Let's save that for last." I can see I don't have the trust of my coworkers. Hmm?  The back of my neck was itching. Someone was staring at me. Masamune's intense eye looked at me thoughtfully. He's frowning. Guess I don't have ANYONE'S trust.

Mitsunari: "Shall we, Mai?"

Mai: "Yeah, I'm done here." Fine with escaping Masamune's stare, I followed Hideyoshi and Mitsunari out.

Mai and the others left, closing the doors behind them. Masamune waited a moment before speaking.

Masamune: "My lord, do you have any particular tasks in mind for Mai?"

Nobunaga: "None. Unless she causes trouble, I'm fine with letting her do as she pleases. That was always my intention."

Masamune: "Personally, I think it would be good for her to get into a little trouble. That's why I wanted to recommend some things."

Nobunaga: "As long as castle life isn't disrupted." Masamune shrugged nonchalantly.

Masamune: "By the way, where does she come from?"

Nobunaga: "From 500 years in the future, if you believe her outrageous stories."

Masamune: "500 years in the future? I wasn't wrong about her. This will be fun."

Mai: "I should have drawn a map. This castle is huge!" Just walking around Azuchi Castle had taken the entire day. I returned to my room, exhausted. 

I'm not going to have this place figured out in a day or two. It's the Sengoku, the warring states. I've already seen how people's attitudes are different. I'm going to make it, I know I will, but today has taught me just how high a hurdle that's going to be.

I spotted my bag, still lying where I'd set it down this morning.

Mai: "Right now, my dream job literally feels 500 years away." I pulled my sketchbook out and settled next to the light. Flipping through my old designs gave me peace of mind.

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