Masamune Date Dramatic Route Chapter 11

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That evening, the storm that had been threatening all day rolled in. It's been pouring rain nonstop.  I went to the outer castle complex where the wounded were recovering to see if I could help. It's not easy to tell time here. Burning incense isn't as precise or convenient as checking my phone. That said, it's nearing dinner at least. I should be seeing Masamune soon.

          Masamune: "We just need to wait until this business with Kennyo is over."

          Mai: "What do you mean?"

          Masamune: "After that, Nobunaga won't need all of us here in Azuchi. I'll be free to return to my fief. I'm going to take you with me back to Aoba, my castle."

I already know my answer, but is there a formal procedure for accepting?  I wondered if it was really as easy as saying "Yes." "I'm honored by your gracious proposal." Heh. Proposal. Not that it was a proposal. Or was it?!

Yojiro: "Princess, you look a little twitchy. Is everything all right?"

Mai: "My answer's yes! I mean, no! Gah. Yes, everything's all right." I banished my pesky fantasy. After his recovery, Yojiro had joined me in nursing the rest of the wounded.

Yojiro: "Something on your mind? Plans for this evening, maybe?"

Mai: "Yeah, you could say that." Why am I being evasive? They'll all know soon. And if I keep drifting off into daydreams like that, I'm going to spill the news accidentally anyway.

Masamune: " How is everyone holding up in here?"

Mai: "Masamune, hi." Perfect timing. And a perfect body. I mean, smile. Yeah. Smile.

Yojiro: "Lord Masamune! You're drenched."

Masamune: "Funny, too, because I had an umbrella with me. A useless thing in this downpour. Mai, how about I stay with you tonight?"

Mai: "That sounds okay to me."

Masamune: "Good. I'm not keen on taking you back to my place in this weather."

Mai: "I don't want you going back out in that again either."

Yojiro: "Sooo, it was our lord you were fantasizing about, princess?"

Masamune: "She was fantasizing about me, huh?" I shot Yojiro a look.

Mai: "Yojiro's imagining things!"

Masamune: "He's more observant than imaginative. I think you're hiding something. And I can guess what." Masamune gazed at me with fond mischief in his eye. I gave him a narrow-eyed stare back.

Masamune's Vassals: "Lord Masamune, she's our precious princess too! Don't say things that upset her!"

Masamune: "Upset her? She gives me that look from time to time, but it's followed by a smile. And hey, who are you calling 'our princess?'"

Masamune can indeed exasperate me, but not for long. Masamune's right. I can't stay upset at him. And there's no point in hiding our relationship when he mentions it at the drop of a hat.  I looked over at Masamune and smiled along with the injured watching the scene unfold. His damp hair was darkened by rain.

Mai: "You really came in this storm."

Masamune: "Of course. I had a lonely kitten to check up on."

Mai: "I was getting lonely, it's true."

Masamune: "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long." He brushed my cheek with cool, wet fingers. I'm touched that he braved this storm to see me.  I wore an unabashed smile.

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