Masamune Date The Secret Life of Warlords [September 2019] Epilogue

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Masamune pressed his forehead to mine and gazed at me with smoldering eyes.

Masamune: "There is one secret I still haven't told you."

Mai: "What?"

Masamune: "That you're too cute for words."

Mai: "Uh--" That's too much

Masamune: "I'm more in love with you than you can even imagine." As gentle eyes that were only for me held me entranced, I couldn't stifle a gasp.

Mai: "No fair." Masamune seemed pleased by my reaction as he pressed a kiss to my forehead.

Masamune: "It's plenty fair."

Mai: "Ah--" I felt my obi sash fall free of my waist, and then Masamune's hot fingertips teased my bare flesh.

Masamune: "You said you wanted more?"

Mai: "You're such a tease."

Masamune: "I'll do anything you want tonight. But you need to tell me what that is." His incredibly sweet voice made my heart ache with need.

Mai: "Masamune--" As his fingers sent shivers of pleasure through me, I dug my fingernails into his shoulders.

Masamune: "Hm?"

Mai: "I want you to kiss me" Masamune did as I asked and gave me a long kiss.

Masamune: "No more holding back, okay?" A wry smile on his face Masamune kissed me again and delved deeper. I feel so spoiled. And I never want it to end.  Resigned to my fate, I gave myself over to the pleasure.

I was awakened the next morning by the light of the sun.

Masamune: "Good morning." He's already up?  When I opened my eyes, I found Masamune gazing down at me.

Mai: "Morning, Masamune."

Masamune: "Did you sleep well?"

Mai: "Yes. My body feels really refreshed." He didn't let me get much sleep, but I still feel rested.  A wave of heat washed over me as I thought back on the night before.

Masamune: "What are you thinking about?"

Mai: "Oh, nothing." I shrugged away Masamune's teasing question. The only reason he asked is that he already knew the answer.

Masamune: "After you fell asleep, I tried burning the incense I got yesterday. Seems like it worked well." He kissed my eyelid, making my heart skip a beat. So, the incense to help with sleep was for me?  Masamune combed his fingers through my hair soothingly and I knew that it was true. I really am loved.

Mai: "Thank you. I feel refreshed and ready to work hard today."

Masamune: "Good. Just remember to take breaks when you need to." After enjoying a peaceful morning together, we each went to see to our own work.

A few days later, I was packing up the sewing tools Masamune had given me for the night.

We've goth been busy since that night and haven't had a chance to get together again.  A stab of loneliness struck my heart at the thought. I think he spoiled me too much last time. It's harder than ever to be apart.  I sighed softly to myself. But, just then--

???: "Mai? Are you up?"

Mai: "Hm? Masamune!" The very person I was thinking longingly about opened the door to my room.

Masamune: "Today's war council just ended." I was so excited to see him, I ignored the fact that the door was still open to give him a small kiss. "I thought you might be getting lonely without me." He was right.

Mai: "I can't hide anything from you, Masamune." He came to see me because he knew I wanted to see him.  As I smiled broadly, Masamune poked my cheek.

Masamune: "That's because you always show your emotions right on your face. Now, pack an overnight bag."

Mai: "Hm? Why?" Masamune pulled me into a warm embrace.

Masamune: "I already got permission for you to take tomorrow off. So, you and I can go on a date. And you can come to stay at my manor tonight." Wow, he thought of everything.  As I looked up from within Masamune's arms at his proud smile, my heart was filled with happiness and warmth. I realize now that my life would be terrible without Masamune. I'm just as hopelessly in love with him as he is with me.

Mai: "I just need a minute to get ready!"

Masamune: "Good. But before that--" We exchanged a smile and then a kiss. And, as I packed my overnight bag, I couldn't help smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2019 ⏰

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