Update? Rant? Idk

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Okay, hi! Long time no see. I'm just gonna say this straight up (not really because I'm gay as fuck). I might not be able to update as much for a while. There's been a lot of shit going on irl that I've been keeping to myself, but I figured I might as well tell you guys what's been going on.
From the start of this book, my parents have been going through a divorce. It was finalized in October of 2018, but my dad is one of the biggest pieces of shit I have ever met, and he's been doing his damnedest to make everything hell for me and my mom. He's abused the both of us more then I would like to say, and due to that, it's kind of hard to get chapters out there on a set date. I try, I swear. But there's a lot of mental shit going on with me.
On top of that, there's been a lot of shit going on recently in my family. My grandpa was hospitalized about a week or so ago for open heart surgery, and things haven't been that great for him. Along with that, my grandma is starting to get to that age where she forgets a majority of things. She most likely has to go to a home soon if things don't clear up. This is just what I've been told from my mom.
And on another note, we just lost a family pet on the 1st and it's been pretty heart breaking. Some of you may not understand, but he was a very good cat that we've had for years.
And so, with all of this depressing shit going on, my mom finally decided "hey, let's try to lighten the mood." So, I've recently have been spending a lot of time with her. And she said she might take me to a convention soon (you'll see the picture at the bottom if you're curious). And with this in mind, I'm busy making my cosplay props and that such (I'm going as Dave Strider in his God Tier outfit if I go).
So yeah. That's the gist of it. I'm sorry for this roller coaster of everything, but this is what's been going on for the past two or so weeks. I hope you all will understand, and if you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them. Like I said, I'm trying. I swear. I'm just so unmotivated and depressed right now that it's not even funny. Thank you all for taking the time to read this. Yours truly,

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