Chapter 20: Wrong Connections are Made

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"What do ya mean that Pitch was 'ere?!" Bunny yelled, standing over the remains of the glass case that protected the book. Santa rose his hands, trying to calm down Bunny's rage.

"He slip through the yetis! It wasn't my fault!"

"This isn't the first time this here happened!"

Tooth, Sandy, and Jack stayed back as both Santa and Bunny argued. None of they wanted to disturb whatever that was, it wouldn't be wise or a good idea. The second the skies shined with colors everyone booked it to the North Pole. Tooth had dropped her duties at the palace the second she saw the call. She left her fairies in a tipsy when she left. She knew they could handle themselves for a while but it was still making her nervous. Sandy had been traveling the world, sending the children into lands of their dreams and hopes. He flew on a cloud of golden sand, directing the golden trails of sand to different houses. He had to cut that night short when he saw the lights, warping the golden sand into the shape of an jet plane.

Jack on the other hand, boy was he not only worried but upset. He had found something regarding (Y/N), something childish. He wasn't sure why but he brought him hope to know that she watched cartoons still. Hope that she would one day see him. But when he caught a glance of the colored skies he not only freaked but felt torn. Part of him wanted to stay and try to get her to believe but he knew that he couldn't do that. So with much hesitation he left for the North Pole.

"What did Pitch want this time?" Jack asked, leaning against his staff. He was talking to both Tooth and Sandy, knowing that asking either Santa or Bunny would result in more bickering.

"He took the Book of the Moon-" Tooth started before Sandy cut her off. Many images flashed above his head as he explained what the book was, seeming to answer Jack's next question.

"So you're saying that the book has a lot of information on the Man in the Moon? And now that Pitch has it he has the ability to basically get rid of him once and for all?" Jack summarized, looking flushed by the new information. Sandy nodded, crossing his arms in a grim manner.

"We need to get it back Jack, it's really important" Tooth stated, she hovered over the ground nervously. Her mind racing with worse case scenarios already. "Who knows what he's up to with the book!"

Jack thought deeply, wondering what Pitch was hiding up his sleeve. He did know one thing however, it had to do with (Y/N). That girl was a very important part to the whole plan, he was sure of it. But what part did she play in all of this—

"Promise me you'll tell the others about (Y/N)?"

Alex's request flashed in his mind briefly. Right, he made a promise. He had to tell the others about (Y/N). He turned to look at the others. Bunny and Santa were still arguing. Each seemed heated, their argument had gone from Pitch to which holiday was more important. Why did they always end up fighting about that? Jack shook his head, he didn't want to bother with that. He turned his attention to Tooth and Sandy who were inspecting the library. The spell casted upon it had been temporarily removed to allow them to look for any leads. He could talk to them, but would they listen?

"Guys, I think I have a lead!" Jack jogged over to them. Both Tooth and Sandy beamed at those words.

"Really? What did you find Jack?" Tooth asked, zipping over and nearly crashing into Jack. Sandy followed closing behind, just as excited. Jack took a step back, giving them both some space.

"I think (Y/N) has something to do with all of this" Jack theorized. He expected for them to praise him for his discovery but only received confused looks. Both guardians shrugged at each other, not really sure what to make of that.

"(Y/N)? But she doesn't even believe in us much less see Pitch" Tooth winced. Sandy flashed an image of Alex above his head, grabbing their attention. "Sandy's right. It makes more sense if it was Alex who Pitch was after. They can see us and Pitch!"

"Alex? No that's not-" Jack started before Tooth gasped, making her own connections. Her hand flew to her mouth before her feathers ruffled.

"Pitch is after Alex! But why? Why does he need them for?" Tooth began to mumble as she made her way to the fighting duo. Jack stood in front of her, trying to get her to stop and listen to him.

"Tooth wait- that's not right- I-" he didn't get far before Tooth had flown over to Santa and Bunny. He watched as the others took her suggestions into consideration. He leaned again the wall, pulling his hood over his head. Why'd he even bother? They never really listen to him anyways. His eyes darted to the others briefly before he leaned off the wall. His feet making their way to the open window. The cold wind nipped at his skin, not bothering him but bringing him comfort instead. He gave one last glance at the others, seeing them brainstorming their next course of action without him. He frowned as he jumped out the window, falling briefly before the wind picked him up.

He reminded silent as the wind carried him away from the North Pole. He knew that he had already proven himself to be a Guardian but he still couldn't help but feel like the odd one out. Almost forgotten... unseen. He shook his head, he knew where he wanted to go.

"Take me back to (Y/N)!"

The wind picked up, sending him flying across the skies faster. The trees below shook as the wind rushed pass them. Jack's staff swinging as he made both frost and snow appear. He decided to do what he did best.

"I'm gonna give her a snow day! Then she'll really believe in me!" Jack laughed, not really sure why he began to hyper fixate on (Y/N). He didn't really care at this point.

He just wanted to be noticed again.


Whooooo! Chapter 20! Let's goooooo!!

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