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"Yeah yeah Unc. I got it. I'll make sure them kids don't steal the fruit snacks, I know." I quickly slammed his car door before he could continue on his rules. I slowly made my way back into the store, making my way back to the break room. Luckily they had my best man Jeremy working the front so I didn't have to do as much work... Just supervise.

When I made it to the break room I was Derrick filing papers still. "You still filing papers, Darren ?" I said throwing a balled up piece of paper at his face. He faced towards me and corrected me on his name and continued filing. "Oh come on... I know it's something bout you that's interesting. Why you here ? Working at this ran down store ?" I scooted my chair closer to him and waited for a response.

He eventually gave in and began blabbering on. "Since you want to know so much, I needed the extra pocket change and obviously this place isn't too run down since you work here." I shrugged off his last comment and started playing basketball. I had put up a basketball hoop on the end of the door so i can shoot my hoops and it just so happened that Derrick was between me and the door.

I began shooting baskets and he motioned for me to stop but I instead threw a ball this time hitting the stacked folders knocking loose paper everywhere. Something he had been working on for the past day was just ruined. When I looked at him, signs of anger showed on his face and he grabbed my up out the chair by the arm and pulled me into the empty office that my uncle usually is occupying. He closes the door and stands face to face with me.

"What the fuck is your problem... I come here to work not to get pushed around by your ignorant ass." As much as I hate to admit it, his words kind of sting and I was trying to avoid anymore remarks.

"I- I didn't know it would upset you." I said scratching the back off my head softly. "Well it did anger me... Just chill out with the jokes for a while." His voice was more calm and I nodded in agreement to his proposal.

I went to grab for the door knob and he slapped my hand away and walked closer to me. I thought he was lunging at me, but he instead reached passed me and flicked on the light and sat down in the seat. He signaled for me to sit and I started walking over to the other seat but he pulled me on his lap catching me off guard.

"Aye what the fuck you doing. I'm not gay.." I struggled fighting to get out of his arms and I eventually gave up and got comfortable in his lap.
"It's okay, I'm not gay either. We just having fun." Those words rang through my ears as he turned my face towards him and we stared into each other's eyes.

It wasn't long before he grabbed my face and slowly pulled me in for a kiss. I pulled back for a second but then went right back into the hypnotic state and let our lips meet. He deepened the kiss by adding his tongue and swirling it around inside of my mouth. When we finally pulled away, he looked me in my eyes and smiled showing his white perfect teeth.

"You good ?" He asked as I kept staring at him as if he had me under hypnosis. I shook my head and got up quickly bending over the table. "Get the fuck out. I told you i'm not gay and you still pulled that faggot bullshit spell on me." He frowned and grabbed at my hand.

"Donny... there's times where sometimes you gotta let go and put your troubles into higher powers." He kissed my hand and pulled me back onto him. My mind shot straight to Tahya. Although me and her barely were intimate and treated each other more like friends, I know she'd be pissed if she ever found out about this.

Let go and put your troubles into higher powers.

I didn't even know what was creepier. The fact I didn't even tell him what my problems or troubles were and he's willing to assist or the fact that I actually feel comfortable in the arms of another man.

It was eventually time to close up and he invited me over to his place. Shit I cant believe i'm gonna do this. I texted Tahya telling her I went to Dex's house and waved goodbye to Jeremy. I followed Derrick for three miles straight until he finally pulled into a driveway. I got out and locked my car door walking up to him. He must've noticed that I was tired and saw my yawns because we went straight to his bedroom.

"I got you... just relax son." He whispered into my ear and sucked on my ear lobe as he laid down and pulled me into him and wrapped around my body. My body began shutting down as I got comfortable in his arms. Before I fell asleep I heard him talking to comfort me.

"Listen, I understand you're not gay and neither am I. Everyone needs someone they can go to so they won't have to deal with all the stupid shit of the world.

I really am sitting in the arms of a nigga who not too long ago was pointing his shiny gun at me and trying to order me to snitch. Something wasn't right about this. I shrugged off the weird feeling and put my head on his chest as he ran his fingers through my waves.

You're not gay. This is just something he's doing to help you out.

After reassuring myself that I wasn't gay, I felt him lay a sloppy kiss on my forehead and I eventually fell asleep.

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