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Where am I?

Where did I go?

Why I see darkness?

Why am I alone in here?

Why am I laying down unto something that I missed?

Maybe I took a very long sleep?

Or did I passed out?

Or just remembering something in the past?

I wake up, rubbed both of my eyes and see my parents smiling at me.

Is this home?

"Mom, Dad..good morning."

"Good morning sweetpie"

"Do you know what day it is today?"

"Huh? What day is today?"

"It was your birthday. And we bought this to you"- they hand me a ruler-length box. I wonder whats inside of it. I open it and saw a stick with 5 gems that is aligned from the handle up to its middle point. "Uh whats the stick for?"

"Its your present. Here take a look"- Mom took it and it lifted my teddy bear from my study table. "Wow!! A real magic wand?!"

"Yes, and this is all yours ok?"- Mom

"Use it properly, Gesielle for it will be your protection"- Dad

I happily took it and the moment I got it, my parents disappeared into a thin air and I see another scenario.

What kind of a dream that I am in?

I see myself way back when I was 9 years old walking to the forest and rivers.....

I met good witches


Ghouls and Ghosts

Even Trolls

I was....

Smiling with them?!

But how?!

I never met them with all of my life!!

I turned around and see again my 9 year old me on some watery areas and...


Hang on

Why am I playing with them?! Why can I see under water?! Queen Tiara was smiling at me as well and Gibb too.

And then a fairy came to me with a smile and did some magic. Her magic results to a very beautiful boquete of flowers and gave it to me.

I blink, and then another scenario came.

Whats going on?!

Why am I clueless right now?

I cant feel my heart, my mind and my body.

This scenario is I met Grim Reapers and even Devil. We are on a very huge library reading books as I was learning the wand. And the beautiful Queen Selena came by givung us tea and cookies. "Here, let me"- she let me hand the wand in a proper order and then my spell worked. 

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