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Sundays have to be the slowest days possible. I swear, I can feel every tick the clock is making as I lay on my bed.

Dad is napping, very rare of him, but I guess it's to be expected. Its a hot afternoon and time seems frozen somewhere.

I've listened to music. I've cleared the backyard. I've thought about telling Tipey about Dane.

What about him?

I've taken a long enough shower. I have done everything humanly possible to pass the time and it's still before two. I need to find better things to do with my life.

I grab my keys and head to Dad's room. I knock lightly on the door and see he's still asleep. I walk over to his bedside and leave him a little note.

I grab my canvas and paints and head for the truck. Before I turn the key, I remember I haven't taken any water today, so I run to the kitchen and grab a couple of bottled waters.

The truck has a powerful engine, I feel it's roar beneath the hood. I manoeuvre my way out the driveway and scramble for the remote control to close the gate.

The wind feels heavenly on my cheeks as I drive through the chalky streets, people here and there and everywhere.

The road to the stadium isn't as busy though, a few cars pass me by and a few people striding along. Its not such a terrible day, the sky is clear and the few patches of cloud make the whole scene breathtaking in its own discreet way. I can't wait to paint all of this.

The stairs still make me gasp for air, the grandstands seeming like mount Everest with every climb. When I finally get to the top, I take in the sights and catch my breath. It's a beautiful day, no doubt. I search for a place with less direct heat and set up.

Headphones on. Let the bliss begin.


The blending of the colours on canvas and watching the image unfold never get old. It's still pretty awesome to me. I'm working on the children from the market when I spot a little activity in the corner of my eye. I glance at the field and find a group of athletes or something, warming up.


I should have know the place would be occupied today. I spotted a couple of flyers all over the streets during the week, there's a game here next week. Of course the team would be training.

Jocks all over the field, flexing and sweating. Great.

I take my attention back to the droplets of water I'm trying to form with the brush on the canvas. Up the volume by a few.

I get so lost in the music, Tina Turner on replay, I don't notice the person before me, a few stairs below, waving.
He climbs up to me and stands behind the canvas, I get startled a little and move my headphones from my ears.

You'll never guess who it is.

It's Dane, of all the people I could know in this town, it's him. Well I don't really know him.

Sweaty arms and chest beneath a dark blue sweatshirt. Better. I don't fancy boys in vests anyway. I don't fancy boys at all.

He seems a bit out of breath, looking right at me. Great! Again.

"Did you say something?" I say as I remove my headphones completely. Looking at his face, but not the eyes, not the eyes.

Crashing into Dane.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz