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I'm so full when I get home. Dane tried to feed me to death today, he was so ready for the picnic. When we walk into the house a few minutes after watching the sunset together, I am exhausted and just want to lie down.

"I'm so tired," I say in between a yawn. He walks in from the kitchen with a glass of water in hand.

"Me too, I can't believe the day went by so quickly. I don't wanna go back home just yet," Dane replies as he comes to stand next to me.

"So what now?" I ask him.

"I don't know, I guess I have to head home. We're both exhausted. I have to drive you to the airport, remember?"

I frown, "yeah..."

Dane downs his glassful of water and stretches his arms out to me after setting the glass on the table behind him, "come, give me a goodnight kiss."

I tiptoe and peck him on the lips, "goodnight!" I say and turn to walk him out.

He grabs my arm lightly and pulls me back in, leaning in to kiss me. I chuckle and kiss him back, making sure to keep my hands gentle on his back this time, I don't want to cause any trouble.

He seems to want to start something, his hand pulling me in by the small of my back as the other one cradles my neck. I tug on his t-shirt for balance as the world seems to fall away. I gasp for air as his lips leave my mouth and trace to my chin. I move my hand up to his chest as the other tugs on his shirt. His lips tremble as he brings them to my neck and his breath on my skin sets me on fire. He moves to the dip between my neck and shoulder and had me gasping as he brings his lips to my shoulder and nibbles on it.

He stops and looks down at me, his eyes dark and my breath shaky. I let out a soft moan as he kisses me on the lips again before pulling away.

"Goodnight," he says, his voice husky.

"Goodnight," I say and take a step back.

He heads for the door and stops in the hallway. "It's only just after seven,"he says.

I don't want him to go, I really don't. But I don't want him to stay and have something happen either. I don't know what will happen if he stays any longer with the heat in his eyes burning so bright, it sets me on fire.

"Uhm, Dane," I clear my throat, "I don't think it'll be a good idea for you to stay."

The intensity in his eyes seems to fade as he takes a few steps closer. I take a few back, instinctively, slowly.

Concern now all over his face, "I'm sorry. Did I go too far?"

I drop my gaze as I try to figure out the right words to describe what just happened and how I feel.

"Look, Dane. I'm not sure we're even supposed to be making out this much at this stage," is what I manage to say.

He takes a step closer and pierces into my eyes, "I'm sorry, I overstepped."

I look at him, "it's not your fault...I- it's just that, I... Uhm," my words come fumbling over each other.

"Tuck me into bed?" I finally say as I look at him with pleading eyes, my arms wrapped around myself.

He pulls me into a warm hug and says nothing for a while, then kisses my forehead. "Sure."

When I'm in bed, seated with my back against the headboard, I motion him to come sit next to me. He obeys.

"Look, Dane. We're both a couple of hormonal teenagers, I know, but I've never felt this way before. You shouldn't be apologizing for something so natural, but it did go a little far."

Crashing into Dane.Where stories live. Discover now