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Hi darlings! This chapter will be from Dane's POV, which means point of view.

I've read quite a number of books with these kind of chapters, some even go back and forth throughout the entire book. I think it's a good idea to show both characters' points of view.

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Dane's POV

I didn't think I'd actually end up going to the hospital now. Mom's going to wonder what made me come all the way here when I don't even have to come in today.

I slap my forehead mentally and pretend to be cool for the whole drive to the hospital. It's quiet in here. But not a bad kind of quiet, it's a comfortable silence.

I look at Cheryl for a minute. I like looking at her, she's so expressive. You can tell every emotion she's going through just by watching her. I mean this in absolute non-stalker sense. She's got her eyes glued onto the road, driving carefully, her hands steady and relaxed.

I should probably strike up a conversation, I did drag myself to the hospital. But I'm enjoying this silent ride.

I look away and let the trees fall away from my side of the window. I'm usually not shy or awkward, but I seem to become the very definitions around Cheryl. All these other girls seem to lose their minds when they see me, or know who I am. But that was in highschool, I guess things are different now. I'm not one of the most liked and most wanted guys around. I'm just a momma's boy that went to boarding school.

I snicker and sigh.

"What's so funny?"


I glance over at her and she looks at me momentarily before looking back at the road. The chalky tar falling away beneath the truck wheels.

"Nothing I'm just thinking."

"Well obviously, all humans process that phenomenon every single moment of the day. I meant what're you thinking about that's got you laughing like you heard a slightly funny joke."

I laugh. She's so curt, and so smart. I always assumed she'd still be smart but outspoken like this? Most people lose their courage as they grow older.

"Wow. That's a mouthful of big words for a such a small girl." I chuckle.

She looks over and smiles.

Gosh. That smile.

"I was thinking about highschool."

"What about it?"

"I uh, I used to be quite popular with the girls."

She laughs and removes both hands from the steering wheel to clap a little, then looks over at me.

"THAT's what you're thinking about? Girls?"

"No, I'm just seeing how everything is different now. I'm always at the hospital, or at home with my mom. The girls I talk to are mostly in my phone, my guy friends are mostly overseas by now." I sigh.

She glances over quickly then sighs too.

"I feel you, highschool for me was...not as glorious as yours." She chuckles. " I was just minding my business being a sports guru and a bookworm...but I loved every single moment of it." Shrugging her shoulders she adds,

"I guess I am a workaholic in the making. I love to keep busy. I didn't know I was popular till I got standing ovations at the senior prize givings."

"So you WERE popular."

"Not with the ladies, no"

She snickers then let's out a full cackle.

" Har har." I say sarcastically.

We stop at the red light just before the hospital. And she glances over at me.

"You know Dane, I don't remember you from kindergarten, I'm sorry. But I'm glad we got to meet after all." She clears her throat and drives at the green light.

"I'm glad too. I know it's awkward that we never actually formally met or agreed to hang out but-"

Cheryl raises her hand before I can finish.

"Eh, please, no mushy business in my car."

I laugh hysterically at this.

"Yes ma'am."

"Yeah. Please."

We drive into the hospital parking lot and she jumps out. Its funny she's driving such a huge car with her size. She's at most 1.5 or something.

I round the car to her side so we can walk into the building I've come to like and appreciate.

She's taking in a small breath and I see her tremble as she lets it out. I don't know. I don't know what it is, but I can't shake this awkward feeling when she's upset. It's like I have to absolutely make sure nothing worse happens, but I can't. Her dad's condition is extreme and I can only imagine what she's going through.

I'm not even sure if it's appropriate for me to be making as much body contact as I've been in the past few hours, but I just want to let her know she's cool. She's not alone. Maybe it's the doctor in me or whatnot, but I don't want to see her suffer. This is a lot already for one person, I don't know about her mom, and I'm not willing to believe the gossip I've heard. She's just a kid, I know I am, I can only begin to imagine the things she's had to endure, and I want to make things better.

I walk over and hold her hand.

"Let's go."

She looks up at me, I can tell this is probably weird for her. We barely know each other, but she doesn't pull away.

"They had better get him a first class medical chopper or something." She says as we walk in.

Writers block. I honestly have no idea how I managed to write this many words. I'll have to cut off Dane's POV right here. I need to figure out a way to narrate his POV.

Thank you for the reads and votes! :)

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