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I'm nervous. I comb through my hair and let it fall to my shoulders. I look twice at it in the mirror and frown.


I tie it to the back loosely and frown again.

Nothing's working, I should have left my braids in longer. The kink in my hair won't let me be. I frown at the sandals I'm wearing.

Nothing looks okay!

I walk to my bed and throw myself flat on my face. This day is just off.

For crying out loud! You're going to a hospital, not a freaking party or fashion show!

I groan and lift myself off the bed. I pull out a grey T-shirt and a pair of shorts. Comfortable is the way to go.

My Dad calls out from the stairs and tells me it's time to leave. I grab a headscarf and a pair of flat shoes.
Here we go.

I stop by the mirror at the door and wrap the scarf around my head. I don't look like a Vogue model or anything, but it'll do. I grab the keys and find Dad in the car already.

"Let's go!" I smile nervously.

He nods at my door and I quickly close it.

"Okay, now let's go!"

I laugh and start the engine.

He just silently laughs and shakes his head.

I'm a nervous wreck, anyone can tell. I never leave the house in shorts.


"Mr Ngoni. Miss-"
"Just Cheryl, please," I cut the doctor off.

"Okay, Mr Ngoni, and Cheryl." He glances at both of us and drags out my name.

"Yep? How does this work?"

My dad looks at me sternly.

"Sorry. Yes, doctor? How will this treatment go?" I correct my manners.

I can tell he wants to roll his eyes. He fixes his glasses and looks over at dad.

"The procedure will be...a bit more of a strain to the flesh. You will fill stings, deep within your spinal cord, flowing to your lower abdomen."

Dad keeps his eyes on him. He doesn't flinch.

I do.

"We'll do this for the first month, and see how your body reacts to this fluid. We can't risk the septum and rib cage. So we'll do those after we see how you react to the medication."

Still, my dad not in the least moved.

I am.

"What do you mean, 'how he reacts to the medication'? What happens if his body rejects it or something?"

"It's not a kidney Cheryl." The doctor says and I try my most not to roll my eyes at him.

"If it doesn't work," he starts slowly, I gulp.

"If it doesn't work, his body will setback. But the human body knows how to fight for survival. He'll eventually pick up...and he'll be put back on his former treatment."

This room smells like a freaking dispensary. I feel sick.

I look over at Dad and now his eyes are on me.

I get up walk out of the room.

I bump into someone as soon as I walk out the door.

"Move, get out of the way, please," I say as my hand flies over my mouth and I stumble a little. I feel dizzy.

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