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My heart's beating so fast I might choke on it. With my back against the bathroom door, I'm trying my best not to implode here.

Universe, really?

I had to run into the boy half naked at night? Really?

I look in the mirror. Why am I here in the first place? I look like death. My eyes are swollen and sticky, my nose is puffy and bright. Gosh, I'm out here looking like the grim reaper whilst Dane is out there parading like a life sized Greek god.

Heavens, that boy is built like stone perfection. I've never liked muscles much...but sweet mac and cheese, those abs will change your mind.

Keep it together Cheryl.

His arms, sinew perfection flowing along his dark skin.

I slap my forehead. Damnit. I know he saw me stare at his chest. Well, to be fair, that's about my line of vision given my height.

And I just stood there and let my eyes wander all over him to is lips. Lord, I'm a mess. I never do this. I never do this.

Things are bad enough as they are already. I had this weird feeling about Dad all day, then after the slight awkwardness with the conversation at dinner, I called the hospital in Beira. They said that Dad has been sedated for the past 12 hours.

They said it's normal, but he should be up in a few. I'm losing my mind here, what if the sedatives are too strong? Dad could barely handle coffee in the past few weeks.

I couldn't help but cry, I needed to. I'm going crazy here, thinking of him being alone in that hospital whilst strange doctors experiment on him. I shouldn't have let him go alone. I shouldn't have let him go.

Lord, the next two weeks won't come soon enough. I need to be on a flight to Beira, as in yesterday!

I wash my face and brush my teeth. I could have just done this in my bathroom...but I felt the walls closing in on me in there.

I open the door reluctantly, hoping Dane thinks he was sleep walking or something, and walk as quietly as possible to my room. I can't deal with him right now.


I hear a light knock on the door and see Mrs Mapanzura walk in and settle at the edge of the bed beside me.

"Cheryl, my child. I know it's not easy having your father hundreds of kilometres away and living with people you barely know. But you need to stay strong, for him and for you." She squeezes my hand gently and I'm suddenly overwhelmed by emotion. I try to push back the lump forming in my throat and nod in response.

"We're here for you physically, but lean on the Lord for strength. Don't stop praying for your father. Keep the faith." She engulfs me in a hug then says a bunch of other corny stuff. She hugs me again and gets up to leave.

My ears are buzzing with blood rushing all over me from trying so hard not to breakdown. I didn't get half of the things she said, but I'm grateful. "Ma," she stops at the door and looks back at me, "Thank you," I say as my voice threatens to break.

She smiles and nods and closes the door behind her.

The tears coming streaming down my face. Lord, I'm so scared. I let out a few sobs and sit in bed till I convince myself to woman up and stop crying. I'm losing my mind here. I need to get out of this place. I throw the covers off and get up to leave for a walk.

Another knock on the door. I'm rummaging through the wardrobe for a pair of sweatpants and absentmindedly shout, "come in!"

"Hey... morning,"

"Morning, Dane." I can't find them.

I turn to face Dane and catch him ogling at my... legs? I follow his gaze to my exposed legs in pajama shorts. Yep, he's a gam guy.

"What's up?"

His eyes snap to my face. His expression drops. I think he notices the glassy eyes and wet eye lashes. He takes a few steps closer.

"I was about to leave for work... You don't look too good."


I drop my gaze to the floor and he takes another step closer. His eyes boring into my face, I look up him. He's one step from being too close and lands his hands gently over my shoulders.

"You've been crying again. Last night you were crying, I noticed."
He searches my eyes and my skin is on fire with his hands on my shoulders.

I push his hands off and take a step back.

"I'm okay Dane."

"Cheryl," he takes two steps towards me and his scent engulfs my nostrils and makes me tingle.
"I'm not saying you're not. I'm saying you've been crying a lot. It's not good for you."

"No kidding, Einstein."

I spot the sweatpants ontop of the laundry by the corner and start to walk towards them when Dane pulls me by the arm, softly and morphs my face into his chest.

He smells so good I can't shake him off. "Dane," I mumble through his shirt.

He keeps still and rubs my back smoothly. I want to tell him I just wanted to get my sweatpants, but I can't.

Instead, I find myself all emotional again.

"Dane stop it, get off me. You'll make me cry."

He hugs me tighter.

"Dane, I can't breathe."

"Shoot, I'm sorry," he pulls away immediately and nervously drops his gaze.

"Hey, thank you." I poke his midriff.

He looks up and smiles.

"For almost hugging me to death,"

He snickers and I smile.

"And for caring."

"I told you I don't mind."

"Yeah that's the doc in you."

He bluntly gazes into my eyes and says, "it's not the doctor in me," then he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

I look at him quietly and we stay like that for what feels like an eternity.

His lips have different shades of brown, the bottom one is lighter.

I sniff and he clears his throat, "I should get going."

He heads for the door and stops, "don't cry yourself unconscious whilst I'm gone." Then he's out of my room and I hear his car leave a few minutes later.

Nxaaw, you guys just had a moment.

Shut up.

I pull the sweatpants on and go for a walk. I head to my house to get some more clothes, I need something cool for the premiere.

I should probably do the laundry as well, I'll do that when I get back.

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