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It's month end. The produce we got from the farm is almost out. We can't sell these, I look the pantry up and down and check the refrigerator. Definitely no selling till we get more.

So what will I do till then?

There's not much to do in this Township, the Town itself has scarce buildings and potholed roads. No major companies settle here, I guess they aren't up for the challenge, or our mayor is a terrible prick. There'll be elections soon though, and the rumours say a new guy with fancy businesses wants to set up. Maybe he'll make a difference. I laugh at my own thoughts. Politicians around here just make promises, I guess all politicians do, but ours don't even try to honor them.

I straighten my legs from under the backyard bench and look at the sky. It's a pretty day. Again. But not the usual heat and clear skies. The slightly windy and cool kind. Cloud cover here and there.

I breathe in. It feels good.

I check my phone for any news that could pique my interest. The cinema in the town a few kilometres away is premiering a new big movie. Normally I'd just scroll by and see if there were any storm broadcasts or new songs to look out for, but this catches my eye.

For one, Will Smith is in it. If you have any respect for the arts, you know the dude's a genius.
Two. There'll be free booze... it's a premiere.
Third. It costs practically nothing.
Fourth. I have a truck now. I can go.
But will I?

I don't know. Crowds aren't my thing. I'm not shy, not shy shy, but lot of people in a single space, just doing a lot of things that could make me nervous or anxious. I don't knowww.

I look at my hands and back at the sky.
Flip. I need to go buy the monthly groceries. I had completely forgotten about that. In between the painting and drawing with Dad and the selling, it had slipped my mind.

Mr Michaels is in with Dad today. Maybe I can even go for a little ride along the outskirts of the city. Its rocky and cool. You can see the city lights from there, and any type of food tastes better there, I swear.


The store is okay. The normal end of month rush. Spoilt brats screaming over dolls in the kid's section. Married couples deciding over the right beef and what not, might be the only time of the month some women get to spend their husband's money. Grabbing the salary by the neck.

I glance over at the tills as I push the trolley past an elderly woman deciding between brown and white bread. The usual 10m queues. I look at my phone for the time. Distantly hoping I won't see a text from Mr Michaels.

No text. Great. I pull into the toiletries section as I check my other messages.

I instinctively stop when I spot a person in front of me, without gazing upwards. There's a man who seems terribly concerned about the type of toilet paper he'll get. This is funny. I let out a breath in laughter and stroll past to the sanitary-wear section.

I sigh, and look up at the arrangement. The women's section is always so... feminine... stereotypical but it works. You won't have to look much to find it.

I scan the sanitary towels for the brands prefer. I'm comparing the prices when a voice behind me makes me freeze. My eyes widen.


He just said hi, greet the boy!

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