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I have no idea why Dane is here. Absolutely none. Its weird.

We walk into the HSD(hyposcapule skeletal disease) wing and get to Dad's room. I walk over quickly and hug him half to death, literally.

"Hi Dad."

"Hi honey. Hello Dane."

He shifts uneasily behind me and clears his throat. "Good afternoon, Mr. Ngoni."

I look back at him and see how nervous he is.

Dad looks at me weirdly and I narrow my eyes at him.

"Dane, I don't see your scrubs on..."

Dane moves to my side.

"I'm not here on duty sir. I uh, I came in with Cheryl to see how you were doing."

Dad smirks at me and clears his throat.

"Oh. Well I'm doing just fine, and please, I'm not the one you need to be keeping an eye on. I'll be out of the country for a while, I'd like it if you checked on her. She's a bit of a loner you see."

I narrow my eyes sternly at Dad to stop.


"Well honey, Tipey won't be around, you need someone keeping you company. I know I'm tough competition, but he could try to keep you company."

He finishes off with a wink and chuckles a little.

"Dad!" I swear this man is not African.

"What kind of African father let's his daughter play with boys."

Dane looks awkward between our little back and forth, he clears his throat.

I let out a breath of laughter through my nose.

"Dad, you're making him uncomfortable." I look at Dane and chuckle.

"Well your mother will be here in a few minutes. Yesterday she said her and the ladies would be dropping in for prayer before I leave." He says to Dane.

I gulp. I haven't really spoken to her since my breakdown.

"Cool." I say lowly and I notice Dane tense up.

I look at him weirdly and he gestures for the door. I nod and we walk out.

"So... My mom doesn't know I'm here."

"What?! You said she asked you to check on me." I pause then look up at him then smirk. "You stalker."

"Look, you cried yesterday okay. It was unnerving. I remembered you as my great hero, it was...I just. I just wanted to see if you were okay."

I giggle and look up at him. "Oh Dane," I can't help but laugh, "you just referred to a preschool incident from centuries ago. We need to teach you how to be better at this whole explaining yourself thing. Take a joke."

He rubs the back of his neck shyly.

I smile and nudge him. " It's cool. I appreciate that you care. Its weird since we barely know each other but I'll allow it since you work out and stuff."

He laughs and let's out a breath of relief. He's so cute...cute? Well that's not something I would have thought to label him as.

Before we can walk back in to Dad's room, I hear the familiar chatter of women approaching from down the corridor. Oh gosh.


Shoot. Its Mrs. Mapanzura. One, two, now turn around and look surprised.

"Hi, Ma." I say as she engulfs me in a huge hug. She smells pretty good, feels really nice and mommish too.

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