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Dane's POV

I've been trying to make the most of my time left with Cheryl before she leaves for Mozambique. The past week has been absolute bliss, I can't believe I'm dating her. She's decided we date before we fully commit to a relationship until she's told her dad about us. I'm a little nervous about that, I don't know if her father likes me at all.

Today is the last day before she leaves for Beira tomorrow morning. I don't know if I can go an entire week without her, I've gotten so used to being around her. I want an actual, full relationship with her, you know...get to call that wonderful little girl mine and have her call me hers, officially.

My mom found out we were having a thing after two dates, she took longer than I expected to find out. She knows me well, too well. She approves and I'm glad she does, Cheryl means so much to me at this point, I can't see any day ahead without her...I'm falling deep, if I'm not already completely gone. I shake my head and smile as I wait in the car in our driveway. Cheryl's having a little chat with my mom, because she won't get to see her tomorrow before she leaves.

I hear Cheryl's voice echo in the porch and turn to face her direction. I can't believe my luck in life, having a girl as beautiful as her crazy about me. She walks out in a little bright yellow dress, the tone complementing her skin like roses to a bouquet. Her legs long and toned as she approaches the car, her beautiful light brown eyes glowing as she waves at my mother. She's a sight for sore eyes, my heart still skips beats like the first day I laid eyes on her. She gets to my window, shrugging her smooth, bare shoulders as she kisses me on the cheek. She dazes me. I'm in a complete daze by the time she goes around the car to her side.

"What are we doing today?" She asks, buckling in and looking at me inquisitively. Her faint rose scent filling up the air inside the car.

"Painting," I reply, trying to sound as cool as possible.

"Painting? You paint?" She asks with so much disbelief in her voice, it makes me snicker.

"Well, now I won't, with that tone of yours."

She chuckles. "I'm sorry, I just never took you to be the artsy kind...you seem like too much of a jock."

"Me being hot doesn't mean I can't be artsy," I defend myself.

Cheryl bursts into laughter and raises her eyebrows, "woaahh. So much for modesty hey. Wow."

She laughs some more as I back out of our yard. "You're not taking it back at all, are you?" She asks with her eyes narrow.

I shrug my shoulders, "nope."
She chuckles and claps her hands for effect, "yah, neh?" She adds and kicks her feet onto the dashboard.

"So, where are we going for this painting session, and where are the paints?"

"I figured you'd handle that," I respond, pulling into her street.

She pouts and throws her head back like a child, "please tell me we won't be at our house all day..."

"No, we're just getting your supplies and then we leave." Laughing as I look at her face brighten up a little. She's so expressive.

"Awesome," pecking me on the cheek. It's a small gesture but it goes a long way, making my toes curl inside my sneakers.

We get to her house and she runs in to get her supplies and is out in less than five minutes, which is very unlike her.

"That was quick," i tell her.

"Yeah. I don't wanna spend too much time in this house, I'll be alone all night later, anticipating my flight tomorrow and everything. It's going to be mental torture, I'd really rather be anywhere but."

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