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My phone rings and wakes me from my slumber. I had fallen asleep on the chair in dad's bay when the doctor was doing his check up. I panic a little when I see that it's Dane calling.

Gosh, I forgot to call him and let him know I was here...well, I was kind of avoiding him, but I did plan on talking to him today. I slide the icon to answer as I walk out of the room and into the corridor.

"Dane, hi," I say the moment I'm out.

"Hello, Cheryl. Travel safe?" his voice sounds cool but concerned.

"Yeah, totally. I'm at the hospital now...I was going to call, I-"

"It's okay. You don't have to explain yourself...I was a bit rush. It just came out, I hadn't planned it out or anything...it just-"

And we're talking about it!

I cut him off, "it's alright. Don't trip, you'll swallow your tongue." I chuckle awkwardly and continue, "I understand if that's how you feel. I just wasn't expecting it. I'm sorry I just left, I didn't mean to make you feel bad or anything. I didn't know what to say,"

"and you don't have to say anything..."

Awkward silence, then, "uhm, so...I'll call you when I've spoken to the doctor,"

"cool. Yeah, let me know and greet your father for me."

"cool," I reply and hang up. Well, that was awkard. I let out a breath of relief and turn to get back into dad's room when I spot Patrick waving at me from down the corridor. I stop and wait for him as he approaches.

"are you stalking me?" I joke as he gets a few feet closer. He laughs and stops a foot away. He's tall, towering over me, as usual. He looks okay in his scrubs, light skinned and skinny, but not a bony skinny...the kind that a lot of guys are.

He bares his pearly white teeth,
"You're funny Miss...?"

"just Cheryl, please." I have no idea where all this polite mannerism is coming from, must be the change of border sides.

"Cheryl. Beautiful Cheryl, your father is Mr. Ngoni, yes?"
I narrow my eyes at him and nod.

"oh, I'm just asking. I noticed you look alike...and your accent,"

"is that why you think we're friends now? Are you a friend of my dad's?"

"I didn't mean to impose, I'm sorry. I just wanted to get familiar-"

"I think we are now, Patrick. Thank you. I have to see my father now."

I smile briefly before walking back into dad's room. He smiles as I walk in and asks me about who I was on the phone with.

"Dane," I say as I sit on the chair by his bed. "I missed the doctor when I knocked out, another thirty?" I ask dad, avoiding further conversation abour Dane or his mom.
"actually, he should be here in a few minutes. So, you and Catherine got along?"

I shift awkwardly in my seat and take my phone out to text, "yeah, totally. She's really nice... I told you dad, the million times you asked over the phone."

"yeah, but I needed to hear it from you in person," he moves and fixes his pillow.

"So... do you have any gyms in here? How are you keeping yourself from dying of boredom in here, they have Natgeo?"

"Yeah, but it's a bit draining, I go for walks instead... wander to the banned corners of this great building to marvel at the skeletal system."

"Of course, it's incredible. I was impressed when I got here,"

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