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I've grown very comfortable around Dane, it's not even logical. I barely knew the guy a few weeks ago, now we're living together and he seems to make me feel like we've known each other for years. He's not imposing or overbearingly empathetic, he knows when to speak and how to be there for me even when I don't know I need him there.

It's Friday, tomorrow we go for the premiere and I'm looking forward to the movie, so much. And to hanging out with Dane like normal kids, outside of his home or the hospital. He won't let me know, but I can tell he's a little excited too, though the way he dreads meeting Tipey is a bit awkward. We had a great time yesterday, making supper and whatnot, but the moment I started talking about Tipey, he weirdly changed the subject. I hope the two have no history or anything like that...this is not coming from a point of jealousy. I just wouldn't want to bring up a distasteful past.

He left for the hospital in scrubs today. Good Lord. He looked like a bus ad for doctors...if they recruited like the army, he could convince just about anyone in those garments.

Snap out of it!

I blink and close the magazine I'd hardly been reading and focus on my phone screen. Time to call Dad, he had better be on the other end of the line. The phone rings a couple of times before an unfamiliar voice sounds at the end of the line and transfers me to Dad's bay. The doctor picks up.

"Hello, doctor. Is my dad awake?"

"Good morning, Cheryl. Yes, he is awake, let me hand him the phone, I was just checking his vitals."

Wait. What?!! He's up??!!! Of course I hoped he'd be up... it's just so good to hear it! He's up! Oh thank you sweet Jesus!

I hold back a scream but the grin on my face almost snaps my face in half as I wait to hear Dad's voice on the other end of the line.


Squeak!!! Good Lord, he really is awake!!!

"Dad! Dad, hi!!!"

I feel him smile from the other end,

"Hi honey, how have you been?"

Psssht. Like I'm the one who needs to be asked that. It feels so good to hear him talk, I want to reach into the phone and hug the life out of him...I missed him so much. Gosh, I missed him.

"Oh come on Dad, how are you? Are they treating you right over there?"

A tear slides down my cheek.

He sighs, "the treatment is painful I'll admit, but not as much as I thought," I can tell he's smirking right now. I roll my eyes.

"Oh Dad, I'm sorry. I wish I was there... I know I'm no penicillin, but..."

"It's okay honey, you can visit soon. After a few days of monitoring my vitals, I'll be able to get visitors." He sounds strained, the pain must be terrible. "It'll be good to see you, the faces here are not as bright and no one ever tells me about their day. I could use your runny mouth here."
He chuckles and hisses from the pain.

I chuckle too and smile. "Dad, I miss you. I miss you so much. I'm glad you're up and talking."

"Oh I know honey. I miss you so much too. But I know this treatment will have me up and about soon. Don't you worry...how are the Mapanzuras treating you?"

This treatment better work alright.

"They're really nice people, genuinely. I like them, though they are corny as hell." I snicker and I hear him snicker from the other end of the line as well. "You forgot to tell me you were having me adopted before you left."

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