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*Dane's POV*

Is it weird that I didn't want Cheryl to leave last night? Don't get me wrong, I didn't want to get into the formidable with her, I just... really enjoy her company.

We laugh like ten year olds together, we are normal people doing normal things but it feels extraordinary. She makes me feel things I can't explain or describe, it's... extraordinary.

Well, anyway, my little crush will have to remain exactly just that, a crush. Because she's head over heels in love with that guy... Tipey. I don't know much about love, I've never been in love...but he seems too distant for my liking...not that my opinion matters.

I tense up a little at the thought and snap out of my thoughts, we have work to be doing. I can't believe my mom made us clean the entire backyard for permission to go for the premiere. I shake my head and look over at Cheryl, calmly spraying water onto the flowers by the back porch.

Her hands move with ease as they shift through the many leaves and petals, careful not to damage them. Everything about her is delicate...from her movement to her emotion. Her character, strong and vibrant though.

I rack over the last bit of lawn that was littered with leaves and empty them onto the compost by the corner walls and let out a sigh of relief, wiping my sweaty forehead with the back of my hand.

"You chose the leaves. If you hadn't been sexist, I would have helped you out, instead of drowning these flowers in moisture." Cheryl says as she walks onto the lawn barefoot with a hand over her eyes. The sun is blazing hot today, if we weren't busy, I'd have suggested we go swimming at the city pool.

"I was not being sexist. It's hot, you're slightly lighter than me, I wouldn't want you getting sunburnt and blaming it on my sweet mother."

I dust my hands off and sit with my back against the trunk of the tree in the centre of the back yard. She walks over and sits beside me, her legs crossed in an oversized pair of dungarees she got from my mom.

"Slightly? I'm like three shades lighter," she says as she perks up against the tree. "I wouldn't blame your mom, I'd blame the sun, and you." She nudges me and I chuckle a little.

"Are you excited about tonight?"

"Are you kidding?! If your mom hadn't kept us busy this afternoon I'd be twitching with excitement." She pauses and takes in a breath, "I live for this sort of thing. And I get to spend time with Tipey after such a long time."

I drop my gaze and face the porch, "You must really enjoy Tipey's company to be that excited,"

"Yeah, we go way back."

She looks at me and I turn my gaze back to her.

"You know Dane, I enjoy your company too. You're pretty cool, and trust me, that means a lot coming from me."

You really shouldn't be mentioning me in the same sentence as this guy. I might lose it and do something drastic...as in... really drastic.

I shrug my shoulders, "yeah, well."

"I wonder what time it is, we should be ready by five thirty, when Tipey gets here, we won't get much done."

This makes my thoughts go to all the wrong places and I feel sick for a second, I'm shaken out of my irksome thoughts when Cheryl gets up and offers me her hand, "come on, let's go eat and clean up," she says.

I look up at her and laugh, "you can't pull me up, I'm like twice your size."

"Faith of a mustard seed...faith of a mustard seed. Suit yourself big guy, I'll go see what your mom made for lunch. She makes the best food I've ever tasted."

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