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I'm never keen on dressing up or anything, but having Tipey around sure made me excited about these sort of things. I look myself up and down in the mirror and convince myself that my hair looks okay.

I undid the cornrows and let it fall as it pleases to my shoulders, the waves and curls fringing over my face a little...I don't look bad.

Dane should be done by now, and Tipey just texted that she's almost here. I need to make sure we're absolutely done by the time she gets here, or she'll start switching up my outfit and run us late.

I grab my bracelet and walk over to Dane's room. I knock lightly as I try to fasten the bracelet onto my wrist.

He opens the door and I can see he's a bit upset, but his gaze immediately changes to something more intense. I feel heat rise to my face as he looks me up and down, suddenly aware of my not so ample chest revealed in this dress.

"Are you done?" I ask as I try to fasten the darn thing to my wrist.

He looks at me for moment. "I uh," he says, his voice husky, sending shivers all over me.

He hasn't combed his hair and he looks a little disgruntled. I shake my head and walk into his room.

I feel his gaze from the mirror and turn to look at him as he leans on the headboard. He looks so good in that blazer. His eyes contrasting slightly with the hue of the jacket, his sharp jaw perfect against the little black detail on the blazer.

My heart goes up a mile and I can feel my stomach tighten as I follow his gaze all over me.

Does he like the way I look? Do I look okay?

"I was done like an hour ago," he says.

Yeah but you clearly aren't ready to go.

I figure it's the blazer. He seemed unsettled when I asked him about it. I don't want to remind him of his dad if it makes him this low.

"What? You're not feeling the blazer? The shoes?" I ask as I watch him carefully.

I insist he wears something else and he tells me I look good. I needed to hear that, I was beginning to feel a little self conscious. I go put my shoes on and wait for Tipey.

She rings the bell a second later and I hurry to open the door.

"Oh my goshh! Tipey!!!" I scream as I bring her in for a life sucking hug.

Her hazel eyes sparkle as she reveals her braced teeth. She smells like faint roses, as usual. I breathe her in and show her into the house. Like its mine or something.

"Cherrrrr, my gosh!" She beams, her beautiful slick hair, in a curly bob just beneath her jaw.

"Man, have I missed you?! And you look so gooood, my goshhhhh," I say with innocent envy as I look her over.

"It's that Malawian glow babe. I brought you a little something, but it's back at the house."

"Mmmhm, I see you. Whatchu bring me?"

I say as we walk into the hallway.

"Oh no, you'll see it when you come over." She looks me over, "dude! Your hair...I wish I had hair as gorgeous as yours. Who did it for you?"

"I did all this myself," I say as I twirl about for her.

She giggles, "look at you. Finally catching on my fashion fingers."

I roll my eyes and chuckle and I hear Dane's door shut from the corridor.

Tipey's eyes fly open and she nudges me as Dane approaches. I introduce the two and he leaves for the kitchen when his mom and us start talking lipstick and perfume.

Crashing into Dane.Where stories live. Discover now