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In between visiting dad, checking on his progress with the doctor and avoiding a date with Patrick, the days are moving by quite swiftly. Its only a couple of days before we go home, and I can't wait. I don't even want to go site seeing when he leaves the hospital, I just want to go home. I figured I'd tell him about aunt Thandie when he's all good and up and running.

We leave the day after tomorrow. Dane and Tipey are so excited, Tipey mainly because she expects some jewelry and rare cuisine. I tried telling her they won't let me through with food at clearance, she won't hear it.

I fix my t-shirt as I approach the desk I've been seeing Patrick at a lot for the past few days. When I don't find him there, I turn back to head to dad's room to finish reading the book I borrowed from his shelf. Before I walk away from the desk, I get a whiff of a familiar scent.
"Looking for me?" I hear Patrick say from behind me.
"Yeah, I needed to ask you something. Are you the receptionist here... or are you an actual medical student?" I ask him as I turn to look at him, realising he's too close and take a step back.

"I'm a medical student who likes to help out. The staff on this floor are always up and about, that's how I manage to sneak out so often"

"Mmhm, and that's not dangerous for the patients here at all," I respond sarcastically.
He looks at me and grins, "you were here to chat me up?"
"No. No, I wanted to ask you were I can find nice pieces of locally made jewellery?"
"Oh, well...how about I show you? Let me take you there," the look on his face and the evident flame lingering behind his eyes are beyond obvious. I take another step back, and respond,

"mmmm, I don't know. You're clearly too enthusiastic to be doing this for me,"
"I just want to make your stay in Mozambique unforgettable," he finishes with a smirk on his face. I want to hurl out the breakfast and icecream I just had.
"ew, no. Paws to yourself, you shameless person but, sure. I will need a Portuguese speaking guide to help me negotiate the prices."

"awesome. Let me go check out, OFFICIALLY," he emphasises as he walks around the desk and looks for the register.
"cool, I'll go let dad know I'm going out... I mean, leaving, I mean, heading out for some shopping...with you" I mumble word after word till I'm sure I sound the least suspicious. Patrick looks up at me and shakes his head as he laughs, and I'm slapping my forehead mentally.

The market is full of life, music blowing up from different speakers, merging into rowdy and harmonic tunes. The colours vibrant against the sandy streets, I take it all in and try to capture the smells too, but all I can take in through my nose is Patrick's overbearing cologne. Gosh, him and Dane are so unalike, yet somehow, Patrick doesn't seem like that bad of a guy. I mean this in the simplest way possible, however irritating his persona may be, it has a comforting feel to it.

I've been avoiding having his arm brush against mine, this entire time he's been swinging it dangerously close to mine. I shake my head and smile.
"Patrick, I understand you might be smooth with the ladies everywhere, but please, don't try your cliché moves with me," I tell him as we come to a halt at an icecream cart.
"moves? What moves?" he chuckles as he greets the icecream man.

It's the accent. I've been trying to pin whatever makes him more attractive than his looks, and it's the accent, his thick Portuguese accent, pronouncing his R's with such clarity. I understand how it could make me a little clumsy with my thoughts from time to time.

"We're here to pick up a few things for my boyfriend and bestfriend...and his mom also," I add the last part as I remember her warm hugs. Yes, Mrs Mapanzura deserves the world for how lovely she was.
"Ahh, the boyfriend," he says slowly and licks his icecream. I look at him narrow eyed and lick mine.
"Yeah...the boyfriend. Now, which stall has the best liptstick and nail polish?"
"I thought you said jewellery,"
I shrug my shoulders and take another lick, "I might as well go crazy since I have you as a guide."

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