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So Dane...

I like Dane.

Yep, I definitely like Dane.

Hear me out first.
He's an incredibly genuine human being, he's considerate. I like him and his mom, they're nice people. Legit. They are not terrible people.

I see him giddy with excitement as we get home and get ready to watch the movie. So excited his eyes are sparkling and he has a childish grin over his face.

I walk over with a little blanket and I see his eyes watch me carefully as I sit next to him.

"I know it's summer, but it's not a complete Netflix and chill without a little blankie!" I say as I snuggle against the back of the couch.

"I never said anything," he raises his eyebrows and chuckles.

"Let's see, what food did you get?"

I pull the plastic bag to my lap and rummage through.

"Chips, meh, meh, meh..." My eyes widen and I can't help the grin that splatters across my face. "Jelly beans!!!!"

Dane looks at me and starts laughing, "it was a wild guess, but I didn't think you'd like them."

"Like them?! I love jelly beans, Dad always got me some." My smile falters.
"I just... haven't had them in a while. Thank you, Dane."

I can see his eyes darken, and I can't tell which emotion lies behind but it is immediately replaced by humour.

"I just threw them in with the rest of the stuff...I didn't know I was saving a rare species of penguin," he chuckles and lies back into the couch.

"Har har," I glare at him playfully and see a certain fire dance behind his eyes. He looks deeply at mine and mumbles, "you're welcome."

"Okay. Blockbuster."

"Definitely. Preferably a Bruce Willis, please."

"Bruce Willis and blue."

He turns to me inquisitively.

"I'm making a stalker list. See, Dane, you don't need to ask questions to know about someone...or be a class 1 stalker."

He starts laughing and I giggle, feeling his eyes dance all over me.

"You're the funny one. Not me, and you asked for my favourite colour."

I shrug, "meh, you barely noticed...I have tactic." I perk my head up arrogantly.

He chuckles and shakes his head, "okay."

My phone beeps and I check the message.

Tipey: Have you asked Dane out yet?

I roll my eyes.

Cheryl: you mean ask him to come with? How many tickets do you have anyway?

Tipey: whatever you call it.
Tipey: three

I snicker and shake my head.

Cheryl: stop making your rapid insinuations. When did you buy those?

Tipey: not important. Just get him to come. I wanna see him.

Cheryl: sneaky weasel. Are you bringing Tanaka and making this a double date?

Tipey is now offline.

I look at Dane and find him watching me. No surprise there.

"Dane. I'm worried about you. You have terrible people skills. Stop staring."

Crashing into Dane.Where stories live. Discover now