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Dane's POV

Gosh. She's beautiful. The dark hair pulled away from her face, exposing those beautiful golden eyes. It hurts seeing her like this. Not that I've known her before this situation, but these past couple of days have been hell. I can tell.

She's crying so hard she's shivering and all I can do is wait here and watch mom embrace her. I guess she needs that kind of comforting right now.

When I first saw her. Her tiny feet dangling beneath her stool, her mind completely oblivious to her surroundings. She was so immersed in that book she didn't even hear me walk over. I didn't know it was her till she looked up at me. I would remember those eyes anywhere, any day, any time.

Then she smiled. I swear I forgot the reason why I was there in the first place. I realised she didn't remember me, and I was already too gone to start a conversation.

I want to see her like that again. Smiling and oblivious to the world. Happy.

I didn't think much of the first encounter, but then I saw her painting in that stadium. I thought she was weird, definitely, but she was so immersed in her work, she barely noticed all the shirtless men going up and about her. She didn't notice me...again.

Now she's been popping up everywhere and can actually see me and talk to me. It's nice talking to her, but the situation is unbefitting. She's hilariously curt. Wildly beautiful. Full lips, perfect jawline, beautiful golden eyes, small perky nose.

And now she's moving in. My mom is crazy, can she not see her? She's letting a girl that looks like that move in with us?

I quickly snap out of my thoughts when I see her truck. We stop there and I offer to take her home.


She looks sleepy. I bet she hasn't slept since her father's been in hospital. She loves that man so much, I admire their love.

"Did you get any sleep at all last night?" I ask as she starts to doze off.

"Mmhm, I did."

She's lying. She protests against me genuinely worrying about her health and falls asleep. Her eyelids look heavy from all the crying and lack of sleep. Her little nose is bright at the tip from crying. I've never seen anyone cry so much.

Yesterday I almost lost it. When she thought her father was dead. She looked so scared and frail. She cried so much she shivered, who does that?
I saw her tremble today as well. I'm afraid of what she'd do if she lost her father. God please, don't let him die.

Out of all this, I'm kind of glad she's moving in with us. She'd probably cry herself to sleep every day, she'd probably starve herself. She needs to be with someone. I'm not sure it's a good idea that someone is my mom, in our house, because...come on, I'm a hormonal teenager.

She's snoring. Its makes me chuckle. You wouldn't imagine it.

I'm carrying her to her bed when we get to her house. I can't wake her. I'm glad she's wearing jeans today. I don't want to be touching her in those shorts she was wearing yesterday.

Those legs, so perfectly sculpted. I didn't think I liked short girls till I saw those gams. Gosh, she's doing something alright.

We get to her house and I walk over to the other side of the car to carry her out. Her hand flies to my face to stop me. "Don't touch me, I'm awake, I'm awake."

She's struggling out of the car and it's amusing. She's too funny.

I follow her into the house keeping my eyes off her back. I don't want to be getting any ideas, I'm a good Christian boy. Yes I am.

"You're insane." I tell her as we enter the house.

She looks up at me. She looks so tired.

"Its true." She says as she walks down the hallway.

I stop and tower over her as she turns to look at me. I don't feel pity for her. I don't.

I take a step closer, I don't know why, but my legs carry me closer. She takes a step back. I want to smirk at her little movement. She's intimidated.

"So what do you feel?" Her words are so straight to the point she doesn't even realise it. I feel a flush in my face and my stomach knots.

What do I feel? I don't know, I feel like you shouldn't be crying like this and I feel like I somehow have to stop the crying but I can't. I don't know why, I don't know how.

I drop my gaze and walk into the living room.

She says something totally smart and leaves. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. She makes me feel some type of way. I can't put my finger on it, it's not like what I felt with the girls at school...and they were pretty awesome too. I don't know, it's just weird.




Someone shakes me gently by the shoulders, "Dane."

I open my eyes and see Cheryl.
Damn, I fell asleep on the couch.

"Dane?" She smiles, "let's go. It's getting late already."

I get up and stop myself from yawning and end up making a completely embarrassing face. Cheryl laughs lightly.

"Ou, the ladies' man everybody! A sight to see." She teases as she picks up a couple of bags. I scowl.

"Wait. Let me carry those."

"No it's cool, I got them. Get that one," she points to a gigantic bag at the end of the stairs.

"Dude. It's three weeks, we're not eloping to China."

She turns back and throws her bags to the floor, "now you're carrying all of them. And who knows where I might end up? Gotta be ready for anything."

"You pack like an actual normal human being," I shake my head as I take both her bags and leave the elephant of a bag she left by the stairs.

"What's that supposed to mean? I'm normal...ish." She follows me to the car. "Don't forget my elope-to-china bag. It's called a traveling bag, by the way."

I laugh as I walk back in to get the last bag. The bag weighs a whole lot more than it looks like it should.

"The first two were toiletry bags. They have specific uses. This one has the clothes. Keep up, human."

I shut up and throw the last bag into the car. "I'm driving,"

"You just woke up two seconds ago looking like Shrek. I'll drive"

She jumps into the truck and opens the door for me from the inside. I'm still out here trying to figure out if I really looked that terrible in my sleep.

"Come on, and let's go. What time do you guys have dinner?"

"About six thirty," I respond as I buckle myself in the passenger's seat.

She starts the engine and backs out of the driveway. "Well it's almost after seven, I hope your mom won't mind."

"Nah, she probably has a little woman crush on you or something. She won't mind."

"A crush? She likes me?" She turns to look at me.

"Meh... something like that," I say casually as she drives out into the street.

"Mmm well, I'd hate to break her heart. I'm not into women, like that."

I laugh and she snickers.

"Oh I'm sure she'll be devastated,"

She chuckles.

We get home and I carry her bags into the house whilst my mom shows her around and tells her about dinner.

I can't believe she's moving in with us for more than half a month. I hope mom made the right call on this.

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