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The sun is blazing red against my eyelids. The ceiling is unfamiliar and pale. It takes me a minute to get my senses right. I can't believe I'm living with the Mapanzuras. How could Dad do this to me? I would have been fine at home.

I'm thinking of what I'll spend my days doing, I can't go to the market. I can't be leaving the house for no reason, that might make me look bad, culture wise.


Maybe I should tell Mrs. Mapanzura that I have to go to the stadium.

This is stupid. My house is just over in the next street, why am I being held hostage over here?

I throw the covers off me and walk into the bathroom.

My heart catches in my throat when I walk out and see the gigantic clock above the bed, it's freaking afternoon!!! 12:30


Now I look like some lazy African child. This is why I don't like going to people's houses. There's so much pressure on trying to portray the image of a well brought up child. I won't even get into the details of trying to be a proper daughter in law. Not that I'm trying to be anyone's daughter in law. I love being cultured and Zimbabwean, but the societal pressures are something I'd rather not succumb to.

But I'm a guest here, I have to be a good, cultured child.

I put on some sweatpants and head out. I'm assuming everyone's gone.

I walk into the kitchen and open the cupboards, I hope they have my cereal here. They have it.

A sound in the living room makes me jump and I make my way over. The maid is cleaning the windows.

"Hello, Ma."

She jumps and looks back at me, smiling but with a hand over her heart. "You gave me fright." She moves closer and reaches out her hand. "Call me Ma' ncube,"

"Cheryl, Cher is okay too," I say as I shake her hand. I'm glad she's not mean or looking at me funny.

"Ma told me about your father, I hope he gets better."

"Thanks," I walk back into the kitchen and grab a bowl and the cereal.

"Good morning,"

I freeze and mumble under my breath.

Turning around I see Dane. Why isn't he at the hospital?

He's leaning on the door frame, I can tell he's bathed already, I can smell his cologne all the way from here. Not too strong, not too masculine, it just smells...clean.

Facing him, I realise I have just the tank top on, I don't have much to cover, but still...I slouch awkwardly.

"Shouldn't you be at the hospital?" I face the counters and pour milk into the cereal.

"Mom said I should help you settle in, help you out with the WiFi password and let you know that you can go about your normal daily business." He walks in and leans against the counter facing me, "I figured it'd be a few hours before you woke up, then I'd go to the hospital."

I look at him and squint my eyes and make a face, "I'm sorry, I didn't realise I slept in so late. I'm normally up by seven."

"It's cool, I'll do the night duties. It's not like I do much, I just follow doctor's around like some kid after candy."

I shake my head and laugh.

"Your references, dude, hilariously off par."

He looks at me and I move closer and past him.

Crashing into Dane.Where stories live. Discover now