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The heat of mid-December is fading as the sun sets and I swing my feet on the bench outside, watching it kiss the walls of the yard. I don't know why Dane hasn't showed up yet, he's not the type to be late for anything. Not that he specified what time he'd be coming, but he could have at least let me know if it'd be noon or evening. Maybe he did, I should check my phone.

As I walk into the living room, I notice my aunt move awkwardly on the sofa. Ignoring her, I scan the room for my phone.

"Have you seen my phone?"

"No," she says immediately, scanning the room for it as well.

"Oh, here it is," she says, picking it up from the table beside her and extending it towards me. I let out a breath of relief and smile,


"Sure. Let me go check on the pot before it burns," she adds as she gets up and moves to the kitchen.
I raise an eyebrow and check my phone to see if it's been tampered with. Nothing. So why was she being weird?


Dane sent another message, telling me he had to go to the hospital because of an emergency. He asked if it'd be okay to come around seven.

Dane: your aunt won't mind me visiting?
Cheryl: I don't really care. You should stop by, she's making goat meat stew, I don't know if it'll be good, but I'd asked her to make more incase you stopped by.
Dane: cool. I'll let Mom know.
Cheryl: awesome. Tell her to keep some food for you though, we don't know our fate tonight.
Dane: lol. Cool.

My aunt walks back in and finds me smiling at my phone.

"Talking to your dad?"

Startled, I put my phone away and face her, "no. Dane's coming over for supper."

"Oh. You like him, huh?" A smile forming on her lips.

"What? No. You don't know me, let's not get too comfortable with this living arrangement."

Her gaze drops and her eyes move quickly to the couch she was on earlier and back to me. She goes over and sits on the couch, I watch her but drop my gaze when she looks at me.

"So uhm, what do you like to watch?" I ask her.

"We can watch what you want to watch, I don't mind."

I nod and turn the volume up a little when my show starts. I remember watching it with Dane back at their house, he used to enjoy making fun of the characters because it annoyed me so much. Now I miss it. I miss having him around and just knowing he'd literally be there for me if I needed anything. I knew the setup was temporary and I can take care of myself, but it felt good, having someone want to take care of you and do it so well. His mom too, I miss them both. They had me developing a dependent bone in that house. I wouldn't admit it, but it felt good not having to watch my own back all the time.

"I'll go start dishing up, I'm sure Dane will be here soon too."

"Cool, yeah. Cool," snapping out of my thoughts.

I look over at the couch she was on and look back at the doorway to see if she's busy enough in the kitchen. Walking over silently, I search the couch for anything and find nothing, I lift the cushions and her cardigan when a couple of papers fall out. They are crumpled carelessly and I take them to my couch before she walks back in.

I check the door again and unfold one sheet. I read through it abruptly for keywords. It's one of my dad's payment checks. I fold it and put it in the pocket of my runner shorts. Checking the doorway again, I unfold the second one and it's from my dad's workplace. A contract of some sort, with details on how my dad's retirement package was  converted into a medical retirement package. I can't get a lot in but I pick up a few crucial words before she asks me if I want sadza or rice with the stew.

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