Chapter 43, Alyar, but not

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of Sin 669 - The first human awakened ones seemingly disappear. The Human Kingdoms present it as a success in driving them away.

An excerpt from the diary of Pia...


Two moons since the Mark of the Other One blossomed. The Day of Slumber has come.

"Most esteemed one, Kael'varin. I cannot. This is something." Sil'var's hands were shaking and sweaty.

She was worried the small red cube of stone would slip out of her grasp like soap and shatter on the wall on the other side of the room.

"Most esteemed one, did you hear what I said." Sil'var whispered, she was now afraid that someone might listen in on her.

The Alyar embassy had become a very uncomfortable home for her. Most evenings she felt the need to flee this harsh building.

The High Magister's voice felt as if it echoed throughout this entire mansion.
"I heard all of it. You finally met with the humans looking to get in touch with our High King. They explained their intentions well, it would seem. They want to wipe out the Ebonveil dynasty and they feel that the Alyar Dominions have a part to play in it. I agree with their thoughts."

"To aid the humans in their little rebellion!" Sil'var started. She felt tears well up from somewhere deep inside. She could not utter a single coherent thought during her private sessions with the High Magister any more.

"The bloodline of sin has been a thorn in our side for too long. This coup will not only provide us with an opportunity to be rid of them, but send all the human kingdoms down a path of conflict for a long, long time. It is time to stimulate the wars of Tavran all while the Three Dominions will stay on the side-lines, unharmed, unnoticed."

"Most esteemed one, High Magister Kael'varin, have you not heard what I have reported to you for the past two moons? This mansion, the Alyar embassy, is a nest of malice and lies! This trade treaty is not what it seems. I am not the being to deal with this, I am not a spy, and this should be a job of the Magistrate, a job of someone who is equipped with the knowledge to deal with this. Forget the humans and their coup. There is rebellion amid our kind!"

"Do not give in to fear!" The High Magister's stern voice filled her head. "You are more than capable to deal with this. I would not have sent you otherwise."

"What chance have we to seize this opportunity presented to us and deal with this sinister plot of the Verdant ones? I am surrounded and I need help, most esteemed one. I need someone else from the Brilliant Dominion to help me, here, in Ironcourt."

"No! The more Alyar learn of this, the more we risk exposing this supposed rift not only to our kind but also to the humans, the Ereko and even the D'yer! We cannot allow this misunderstanding to become public. We! The only truly united trueborn race of this world, now divided!"

An icy wind was blowing against the window Sil'var was facing. She thought about adding fuel into the fireplace. An empty silence had settled in her head and she thought the conversation over. A grunt in her head startled Sil'var. She had never felt so alone in all her life.

"High Magister?" She ventured. "What am I to do?"

"We cannot let this moment pass by." Came the reply. "I can already feel its echoes run across the veil of time. You are to aid those who wish to erase the bloodline of sin in any way you feel you can. There are limits, of course. You cannot reveal yourself. But tell me again, all you have learned about this treaty."

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