Chapter 72, A sense of belonging

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The Age of Stagnation - lasted one thousand four hundred and fifty-eight years.

of Stagnation 2 - The Humans Kingdoms have always changed, risen and fallen. But relations between the larger entities have stayed relatively calm and without major incidents. Now the Humans turn on each other as the Shattering of Iordur was not enough in other minds and the eradication of the Empire seems the way towards balance.

An excerpt from the diary of Pia...


Five moons since the Mark of the Other One blossomed. The moon of Verdant Fields has come.

A wave of presences washed over him. And another. And another. They kept coming. Despite the devourer, he could feel the bits and pieces emanating from this vast city jumbled together like a giant roll of yarn.

Andaris had no choice but to accept them and endure. He would get used to them over time, but right now even the devourer offered little relief. The riverboat was making its way toward the entrance to the city.

Domes and tall spires dominated the landscape in the centre as well as the river entrance to the city. The surrounding areas were a patchwork of different architecture types. As if many different cultures had gathered in one place one time and decided to build a city there.

Everyone had their own ideas how to build best. And there was much greenery in this city. Andaris noticed a few parks and otherwise undeveloped land on the riverbanks. So, this was the place he needed to be at.

Another wave of presences hit Andaris hard, and he felt his head swim for a moment. Do not bother. He shifted his attention elsewhere. To the other presences that could compete with his own.

There was something familiar emanating from the heart of the city. Something constant and fresh. A chilly wind on a sunny autumn day at the beach. Not like the voidstone in the sealed scroll on his back. The one he carried felt much more savage. Like broken teeth gnawing on bones.

There was something else at the other end of the city. It reminded him of something sharp. Nothing could stand in its way and not get hurt. Another familiar piece, but a piece he was surprised even existed.

That sharpness was hidden on another presence he had caught several days ago. The more he concentrated on it, the more he was lost. He could never find its exact point. It seemed to be coming from every single human in the city and beyond, but he was sure it only had one definite source.

Time and time again he got lost in the sea of presences because of that bitter taste of iron. He felt nauseous again. Andaris had tried, but he failed to focus on nothing at all. Everything was there all the time. It was like trying not to look at anything with no eyelids. He clipped the devourer back on his ear as the riverboat's captain approached him.

"Hey, mate! Get your papers ready. We got lucky. We're expected." The ship captain called over to Andaris.

"Expected?" This should have surprised him. But each step toward Ironcourt was too easy. Something was getting rid of all the barriers.

"No idea. They allowed us to the front of the queue. The captains I talked to back at Patchings told me stories how boats with thawing fish were left to sit here for days."

"Patchings?" Andaris frowned.

"Yeah, the village we picked you up at. Funny name, isn't it?" Andaris raised his eyebrow. Eldertongue felt unfamiliar. He knew it should have been a pun, but he did not laugh at it.

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