Arc 4 - Chapter 7: Under the Sea

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The world of Aqualis, a world entirely covered in water were those of the Mermailian specie roam. It had welcomed Ventus who would remain in his Mermailian form, sleeping on a specially made cushioned open clam as water flowed all around him. A poke came to his cheek "Come on, come on Ventus...rise and shine" his eyes would open, he rose up and turned left to see Mero laid by his side making him jump a little "good morning"

"Wha...yeah Good...good morning" he said tiredly "Where...huh...where am I?" He was in finely made stone like room, as if it was hollowed. He saw a wardrobe, a desk, a mirror and a rather big and open balcony window.

Ventus would look over to the balcony to see a giant manta-ray that swam on by "Whoa...he's big"

"Good morning" he heard a dull voice as if from the Manta ray

"Oh...yeah...manta-ray...good morning" he said looking very confused

"Just give it a minute" said Mero chuckling "then look down" Ventus did so, seeing his blue long fish tail, the fins purple "Sunk in yet?"

"I...I hmm..." he then waved his hand, feeling some resistance of water "I was...sleeping in...water?" Mero flicked his head

"Come on, it's not that hard to figure out. You're on my homeworld of Aqualis, this the guest room of my private abode" 

It took a few seconds, for it to sink and Ventus freaked and instinctively grabbed his throat...only to find he had no issue breathing "Hahahah...relax, relax" said Mero chuckling "You are 'dressed' accordingly, in-fact you changed almost automatically"

"I...I hmm...I see" said Ventus as Mero took his hand and pulled him to the window

"Right now...this is your home for the next few days" as Ventus looked out, his eyes went wide...his mouth too " Aqualis"

All before him was a valley of beautiful architecture and wonder. Buildings of colours and of sublime design were erected from ground, colours shining off the many buildings and the many, many fish that filled the water. Animals Ventus would expect in Earth's Oceans casually just roamed the seas in the form jelly-fish, whales, tuna, rays, turtles...only some of them seem sentient, waving hello with the Mermailians that swam over built paved roads and went into the open doors of buildings.

Mero joined his side, a hand to his shoulder "This is the main capital of Aqualis, there are other towns and palaces but this is the biggest. It's home to a fair couple million residents, about 5/6's Female the rest male. Many do bear some height, some even coming to my own stature"

"Then...won't I you seen differently?" asked Ventus "I am half your height"

"Not to worry. I'm one of the tallest, the others come to my shoulder and the males are your height until they are fully mature adults. We'll get you some clothes...or a t-shirt and we can get some breakfast. Your stuff we placed up there" she pointed to a ceiling pocket that had no water. Ventus rose up, emerging and rummaging through to find a plain red-shirt that he stuck on. As he lowered, the shirt oddly fitted to his body "there we go...Right this way. There's a lady who wants to meet you"

Ventus swam behind Mero, going through what seemed to be a royal castle passageway. Armoured Mermaids like Aera patrolled, some waving to Ventus as he passed them. He also came to a balcony with stairs – though he pondered the point of this – to see Lady Mermaids darted outside. They were wearing either tank top, crop tops or sea-shell style bikini bras "Whoa...they're in a hurry"

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