Arc 4 - Chapter 51: Prelude to the Finale

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It was the early evening of Day 1 off the final round. Six Winners and losers had emerged...both good and bad to the group. Lexi and Leyla had won their battles, but Aries had lost hers. Lexi was in the first-aid room with Aries, who was asleep and bandaged, Lexi the same. Leyla had being placed in Ventus' room, checked over by Aeron and Emiko. Ventus was in-fact in the training room, sparring against Reima getting in what practise he could.

They were going at a moderate pace, trading bunches and kicks. Using her knowledge of energy projection, Reima fired beams of pink that Ventus dodged and fired back. Tsunemi was on standby with drinks and towel in hand, Zarla coming into the room to see the two fighting "Getting in some practise is he?"

"They're not doing anything too strenuous" Tsunemi said happily "but they've being going at it a fair while, about 45 minutes or so"

"Wow he is getting the practise in" she said happily "That's good, he was denied it due to the poison...just be sure he doesn't stress himself!

"They're taking breaks every 20 minutes, to relax before going back to it!"

"That's good...Ventus, Ventus!" called Zarla "A minute please" stopping and nodding, the two headed back Ventus mildly sweaty and tired "Hey there, working hard I see"

"Don't worry we're not pushing it" said Reima "Ventus is getting what practise he can before tonight"

"No problems there, how much longer you planning on going"

"Another 10 minutes, a break for a hour, a bit more practise and then bedtime. Why did you need him for a bit?"

"I did actually"

"Then why don't we have the break now? Ventus you go with Ms Empress and we'll meet you at an audience hall"

"IT's where we practised" said Tsunemi "I wanted to give you something as thanks for your help"

"Alright then sure, and Reima thanks for the fighting practise" he said with Reima bumping his fist

"No issues, just ask anytime really. Just send a note when you're done and see you later" 

As the girls left, Zarla made sure no-one was around and then snapped her fingers to seal the room "Sorry but this is a follow up to the last thing from you recall that data stick I gave you?" Ventus nodded with Zarla sighed, notably with some regret "Keep an eye on it, I've being updated it's true purpose will become clear in the next few days"

"Alright though...may I ask a small favour?" asked Ventus "Since my fight is tomorrow, and I'm assuming I'll be in a hospital bed for a few days so if I'm stuck in the hospital, can you please watch over it for me? Since I am facing Veldolf...and with the damage he did to Shais...yeah...I'm thinking I'm losing a few bones...and organs"

"That's absolutely fine and sure" said Zarla "Also in regards to the fight in question. You are being supplied with a special vest garment. It'll protect your organs from the shock of his attacks, they won't reduce the damage it'll just ensure they don't puncture of rupture"

"Alright, I would prefer whatever organs I have, to remain in-tact"

"Good, now onto the other thing"

Zarla this time had a smile "Mind coming with me for a moment? Believe it or not, there's a guest who wants to see you"

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