➶chapter thirty-nine

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•Friday, April 8th•

I was not worried about leaving my mother right now, because she knew how important getting Fangs out of jail safely meant to me, also she is brave and a complete trailblazer and she was going to be safe inside of our house until I got back. Also, I trusted Fred Andrews. I trusted him more than I trust most adults. There were very few adults in Riverdale that were trustworthy, but Fred Andrews really was the moral compass of this town.

Sweet Pea and I rode over to the police station and Fangs was still sitting in a cell. Jughead, Toni, and Attorney McCoy were standing outside of the holding cell and Fangs was leaning against the bars. "Why the hell is Fangs still sitting in a cell? Did the police not see the real Black Hood sending warning shots at my mother and I less than an hour ago?" I exclaimed frantically wanting answers from anybody at this point.

"Attorney McCoy was just explaining that to all of us" Jughead said as I shifted my pissed off glare over towards Attorney McCoy"

"What happened tonight and what happened to Midge are being treated as separate incidents, but if the sheriff doesn't press charges within the next hour, he has to let Fangs go" she explained to all of us

As she was explaining what was meant to happen next, I got to thinking about the sight for sore eyes that Sweet Pea and I saw when we arrived. Hundreds of Riverdale citizens were outside of the police station protesting the release of Fangs. All of them had signs up saying that he was the killer and that he should be put in prison for life. Even though Fangs is innocent! All of these closed minded idiots just want the case to be closed. However, that was not how things worked in the real world. The police needed to investigate, question suspects, and then when an arrest is made a trial needed to be done to prove guilt.

Incompetent morons with no sense of how the criminal justice system works all just want Fangs put in prison, because he is a Serpent. With all of these Northsiders protesting and rioting the streets just goes to show what I have been saying all along. The Northside is the problem!

"We're going to need to protect Fangs at all cost!" I exclaimed, checking the time for how much longer Fangs would have to be in this cell

"Absolutely! We got you Fangs" Sweet Pea assured to his best friend

Sweet Pea is a hard ass on the outside, but I know that there is nothing he would not do for Fangs. Fangs was his best friend the way Toni was my best friend. "I've gotta ride back to my trailer. My dad is there and we're going to need his help" Jughead explained getting his bike helmet ready

"I'm gonna ride with you Jughead" I said and he nodded.

I kissed Sweet Pea and he stayed by the cell with Toni and Fangs to keep him company. We only had a short amount of time to ride to Sunnyside Trailer Park talk to FP and get back in time to make sure Fangs makes it out of the police station in one piece. It was going to take an army to protect him. We were his army.

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