Chapter 1

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Decisions do not always consist of yes or no as the only answer. Sometimes, we find ourselves at a crossroad and can't decide whether to go left or right. Life does not include a road map, to layout each and every step you can take to end up where you want. The uncertainty of not knowing which direction to go makes any decision that much harder. The choices made in these moments will define you.

When faced with such decisions, most people will want to turn around and go back, to a time where everything was simple. As for myself, all I want to do see the world outside of Georgetown. I want to move forward and chase the dreams that are currently out of my reach. I was surprised by all the challenges ahead and the moment when my life made a complete 360.

Here I am, sitting in the last period of my last day of junior year. What I would do to be laying in a hammock with my blonde hair just blowing with the wind. I can taste the glass of lemonade and imagine the adventures of a good story waiting for me.

As I was sitting there daydreaming about summer, in the background I began to hear a lot of laughter. I look up and find Mrs Hinkle standing right beside me, she then took her ruler and hit my desk to gather everyone's attention.

"Ms Davis would you like to share with the class what you are daydreaming about?" Mrs Hinkle asked me obnoxiously in front of the entire class.

Oh my, can you say busted! I was just about to respond or at least I thought I was, when Stephanie Jensen made a smart remark.

" I wouldn't worry about Danielle, Mrs. Hinkle. You matter as well let her be, it's not like she has a life outside of daydreaming."

Stephanie can't be serious.... How is it the last day of school and I can't seem to stay under the radar. The way Stephanie treats me really makes it hard to believe that we were once best friends.

All I have is five more minutes until freedom. I sat there tapping my fingers on my desk waiting for the final bell to ring. I was ready to make a mad dash out of here.

As soon as school was dismissed, I ran straight to my favorite place, The East Bay Park. Majority of the park tends to be deserted but I don't mind, I like the privacy. There is a hammock located at the park right between two huge willow trees. I enjoy the nice view of the creek that runs all the way through town.

I immediately calmed down as I begin to read "Kissed By An Angel" by Mary Claire Helldorfer all over again for the third time this year. I lost track of time and I am caught off guard by a shadow presence of a person I have not seen before.

"Can I help you?" I ask the tall blonde man in front of me who seems to be amused by my reaction.

"Hey I am Aiden, Aiden James" he says with a cocky smile that you could tell he was up to no good.

"Well Aiden what can I do for you?"I question him irritated this time.

Do guys ever realize that not every girl wants to be hit on by some attractive buff, blonde hair, green eyed dude. Okay earth to Danielle back to reality. I realized after an awkward pause that Aiden must have already responded to me. Truth be told I was completely not paying attention.

"Uh are you going to introduce yourself or continue checking me out" Aiden said this time it looked like he was blushing as if he was enjoying the attention.

"Danielle Davis" was all I could get out without sounding like a complete idiot.

"Well Danielle it was nice to meet you, hope to see you around sometime" Aiden said while winking at me as he walked away.

I laid on the hammock trying to comprehend what had just happened. I tried to continue reading, but I couldn't seem to get back into the book so I decided to pack my stuff up and walk home.

Once I made it home, I was surprised to see that my mom and dad were not home yet. I guess I am having a pizza for dinner again tonight I told myself as I walked to the kitchen. I started to preheat the oven and went to the living room to turn the tv on when I saw him.

Aiden was wandering around the driveway and had put some object in my mailbox. As soon as we made eye contact, Aiden made a get away on his skateboard before I could run outside to get to him.

I thought to myself, can today get any weirder? I was walking in circles as my curiosity was getting the best of me. After roaming around like a maniac,I decided that I had to know what Aiden put in my mailbox.

"Danielle" was written in graffiti like lettering on the envelope. I opened the envelope and found a note that said

Danielle, I figured the best way to get you to talk to me is to write you a letter. I noticed that you like to read and talking doesn't seem to appeal to you so I hope that you will respond this way.

P.S you can leave a letter for me in this mailbox and I will pick it up tomorrow.

Who does this guy think he is? Romeo or some sort of Prince Charming? Of course I won't waste my time on this summer fling or whatever this is. Or will I?

Danielle get it together and go back inside. The pizza should be about ready. It is for the best that I go inside and watch Tv before I make a complete fool of myself.

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