Chapter 19

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Three weeks have passed since Aiden told me that he loves me. I know that I love him but I feel like we need to slow down. Going back to school is going to be hard enough and the separation is literally going to be the death of me. Aiden is okay with being the only person that says it. He is so obnoxious that he even threaten that he will be yelling it out the window on the way back to my house. Ridiculous, I know.

Aiden said his dad wasn't  giving him a hard time about our relationship but I don't believe him. I know he just said that to make me feel better but I am not convinced. Stephanie on the other hand has been a total witch. This girl seriously needs to get over herself.

On a positive note. My best friend Nicole returned home right before school started up again. I was so excited to tell her all about my summer and about Aiden. Nicole informed me that I can not tell him that I loved him or agree to marry him until she gives me her approval. Aiden better get Nicole to fall head over heels for him in order for this to last.

My parents also decided to buy me a car that way I don't have to borrow my mom's station wagon. They both said it was technically a graduation gift but they knew I could use it now. Graduation gift or not I am very appreciative even though it is an old beater car. I am so tired walking everywhere all the time.

Nicole and I were waiting for the new yearbook teacher to come into the computer lab to introduce herself and all I could think about was Aiden. Friday's were always my favorite day of the week because that meant the weekend but now it is even more important.

I look at my phone and see a text from Aiden.

Hey babe. I just got to my mom's. I am going to cook dinner if you want to come over.

I quickly replied; I would love to, but I am still at school but I will come by later if you would like.

Yes babe I will see you soon. Aiden responded with a kissing emoji this time. He is so dramatic sometimes but I love it.

I was going on talking to Nicole about Aiden and realized that she was distracted and everyone in the classroom was silent.

"Earth to Nicole." I said waving my hand in front of her face. I look in the same direct and I see exactly what she is distracted by.

The new yearbook teacher walked in and we were both in awe. There is no way he was a teacher. The man that entered barely looked older than 21 and oh my gosh he was handsome. Now don't get me wrong Aiden is attractive and more fit than this guy but there were complete opposites. This man is more mature and would most likely be the take home to meet your parents kind of guy.

"Hello ladies, I am Matthew Gibson but please call me Matt." He says with a smile.

Nicole and I both looked at each other, thinking the same thing.

Matt began to tell us about himself. He graduated high school from a town about an hour away from Georgetown. Matt informed us that he is about to turn 21, my suspicion was correct. Matt is currently taking classes online to get his bachelors degree, all while working for the school part time.

Nicole quickly asked him "what did you do after high school if you didn't go to college?"

I shook my head at her. Nicole is very persistent and nosy.
Matt didn't seem to mind the interrogation as he explained, "I spent the last two years traveling the world and taking pictures for a few different magazine companies."

  "Woah" I let out without a thought. Matt and Nicole immediately look towards me.

"That is Danielle's dream. She has her heart set on being a professional photographer and journalist that gets to travel the world." Nicole rants.

Thanks a lot Nicole, I thought to myself.

"Now that sounds like my type of girl." Matt says and Nicole and I blush.

Matt flirting with me? Of course not he is a teacher for crying out loud. Plus I have a boyfriend.

Crap! Aiden! I pressed on the screen on my phone it has been over two hours. Everyone else had already left the meeting. Nicole, Matt and I wasted the past hour talking about anything and everything that did not pertain to yearbook.

"I have to go" I plea as I grab my backpack and hurry out the door. I call Aiden as soon as I walk outside.

"Hey Aiden, I am so sorry. I lost track of time but I am on my way."

"No worries babe, drive safe and I will see you soon."

I can tell he is smiling.

I catch my breath before replying. "See you soon".

I disconnected our call and drove straight to see my boyfriend.

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