Chapter 22

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"Hey Danielle, funny seeing you here." He said with a cheesy smile. Damn, he was good looking and I hated him even more now.

"Oh hey, Matt. This is my boyfriend Aiden." Danielle politely introduces me and there is an awkward shift around all of us.

"Hey man, nice to meet you." Matt says reaching to shake my hand like a true gentleman.

What a dumbass. You have to calm down Aiden, don't be a dick just because you are jealous.

"Yeah you too." I said shaking his hand.

Danielle was looking very uncomfortable and I think we all knew it.

"Hey Danielle my colleague is thrilled that you accepted the offer to do the article. I can't wait to start working on it with you." Matt says and the tension grew between all of us.

"Well I better get going. Nice to meet you Aiden, you have a great girl there." Matt says before exiting.

What the hell just happened? Aiden you are in public and the last thing you want to do is start an argument. I sighed and Danielle did as well. We were both uncomfortable but I think we had different reasons to be.

I just sat there. I couldn't move and I sure couldn't speak. Matt spilled the beans about the prom project he is going to help me with. I am in for a long night of explaining myself because I failed to tell Aiden about it and I knew he was going to be furious.

We finished our meals in complete silence. Aiden got up to pay the bill and I followed behind like a lost puppy. We both got into the car but this time not a word was said. The worst part is Aiden didn't even hold my hand. My heart was breaking and I don't think there is anything I can do about it.

"I want to go home." Danielle said and I nodded.

I don't think I can handle anymore drama tonight. I dropped Danielle off at her house and the coward that I am didn't even kiss her goodnight. I could see tears forming in her eyes before she walked away. I was hurt, mad even that Danielle kept something from me intentionally.

Whatever this damn project is better be worth it. I put the car in drive and kept driving right passed my mom's house not sure where the hell I would end up.

I walked into my bedroom and fell to the floor. This is what love does to you. I am completely heartbroken. I know I was wrong and I should have told Aiden about the prom project. This is bad, it makes it look like something is going on between Matt and I but that is not the case. God my heart hurts. I sat on the floor crying not sure what to do next.

A few hours had passed and I was finally able to get up off the floor. I glanced out my window and Aiden's car was not at his mom's. I began to worry so I decided to call him. After the never ending ringing, there was no answer. This is ridiculous where could he have gone? I grabbed my car keys not sure where I was heading and dialed Aiden again. Please answer , please answer.

"Hello" said a voice I didn't recognize.

"Where is Aiden?" I demanded the guy to answer me.

"He went upstairs with Stephanie, I found his phone on the couch when you called. Do you want me to have him call you?" The guy asked obviously drunk.

"No " I said before hanging up the phone.

Aiden left me to go to Stephanie?!? This can't be happening. I have spent the last couple of hours crying my heart out and he has been with her! I was so angry. Aiden had the nerve to think I was cheating on him with Matt, my teacher for crying out loud. There he was with Stephanie doing no telling what. I am done! Aiden can be with Stephanie for all I care because I am done.

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