Chapter 12

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My relationship with Stephanie is complicated, we were best friends all the way up to freshman year. Let's go back to the summer of 2016, the summer before freshman year. Stephanie and I literally spent every day together. We were both thrilled to be going into high school. Stephanie said we would be invited to the coolest parties because she would be on the cheerleading squad and I would be the awesome photographer to capture every moment.

I never had an issue being in Stephanie's shadow. Stephanie is beautiful, rich and seems to always get everything she has ever wanted. I was never jealous of her or anything, she had always looked out for me. That was until that night with Brent.

We were invited to go to a party at Brent Miller's house. Brent was a Sophomore and was the star on the basketball team. Stephanie had her heart set on him. She was certain that they would be the power couple and take over the school. There was only one thing in her way. Brent was only after one thing and that was taking my virginity.

I tried so hard to forget that night. It replays in my head time and time again. You would think with how much alcohol I consumed that it would be easy to forget.

We arrived fashionably late as Stephanie says and were greeted with two red solo cups. I could smell the vodka a mile away. I obviously thought I couldn't turn down a drink at my first highschool party. That was dumb on my part.

Brent decided to show us around his house. There was a game of truth or dare going on in one room and spin the bottle in the other. Stephanie was eager to get the party started and talked me into playing truth or dare. That was a mistake I regret dearly.

Brent was sitting across the room when he asked me."Truth or dare?"

"Truth" I hesitated to answer.

"Are you as innocent as you look?" He asked and the mood changed in the room. Everybody was waiting for my response.

"Uh I guess." I answer truthfully as I contemplate Brent's motive to his question.

"That's good to know." He winks at me as he hands me another drink. I can see the anger growing on Stephanie's face. This is not good.

"Stephanie, truth or dare?" Another guy asked.

"Dare." She says, which I am not surprised she is always up for a challenge

"I dare you to take off your shirt." The guy demands and of course Stephanie was eager to please.

I make a mental note to stay far away from that creep. I was able to stay under the radar a few rounds as I just watched strangers make out, strip and spill their darkest secrets. That was until it was Brent's turn again.

"Brent truth or dare." Stephanie asks.

"Dare." Brent replies confidently. If he was nervous he sure didn't show it.

"I dare you to kiss the hottest girl here." Stephanie challenges him. Practically begging for Brent to kiss her.

I decided I was going to leave this drunk fest and let Stephanie have her moment with Brent . Of course Brent is going to Stephanie she is the most gorgeous girl here. That was until he stood up and stopped me as I was leaving.

"Where are you going?" Brent questions me.

"I am going to go out and get some fresh air." I explain. Wait I don't owe him any explanation.

"Not until I finish my dare." Brent insisted with a grin.

"Okay.." I say confused as to why I had to stay for this drunk fest. Last thing I wanted was to cause a scene.

Brent begins to get closer to me. Oh crap, this can't be happening. I was trapped in a corner with nowhere to go. Brent Miller was actually coming to kiss me, Danielle Davis. This must be some sick joke or a terrible mistake.

The kiss was cut short by Stephanie screaming bloody murder. "I can't believe you would want to kiss her!"

Wait what? I was in shock.

"You would rather be with Danielle. The virgin who can't please anyone, than me?" Stephanie squealed.

"Stephanie. What are you talking about? You can't mean that, I am your friend." I plea.

"Get over yourself Danielle. I was only your friend because I felt sorry for you!" She screamed.

I was heartbroken. My best friend was screaming such harsh words towards me. I could feel the tears coming and my heart was racing. I ran out of that room, through the back door into the yard before anyone could see me cry.

"Hey Danielle. Are you alright."

I looked up and seen Brent. He was standing beside me and he genuinely looked upset.

"Yeah I am okay. Can you do me a favor?" I asked him not having any other choice.

"Of course." He answered without thinking.

"Can you take me home? Stephanie was my ride and I would rather not go home with her." I tell him trying to keep in all the tears

"Yeah sure thing." Brent gestured me to stand up to follow him.

"Let's go back inside. I will get you a drink that way you can get you sobered up some first." Brent insisted

I nodded and followed him back into his house. That was the last thing I remembered that night.

I woke up the next morning in someone else's bed. Frantic, I jump out of bed and I realize I was naked.

"Oh no, this can't be happening ." I say out loud and notice that Brent is passed out on the other side of the bed.

"Crap, crap." I stagger to find my clothes without waking him up. I gathered all my things and made a mad dash out of there.

That morning is the definition of the walk of shame. I lost my virginity to a guy that I didn't even like and I don't even remember consenting to. I no longer have a best friend to confide into anymore. I thought that was all bad until high school actually started. I could handle my own self pity but not what was in store for me.

I was the laughing stock of the entire school. I tried to apologize to Stephanie multiple times because I never wanted any of this to happen. Stephanie knew that I didn't feel the same way about Brent as she did. I hoped my apology would smooth things over but that didn't stop her from making it her life mission to ruin my reputation. The worst part of it all, I went to talk to Brent about the whole situation thinking that he actually cared about me.

"Danielle, we all knew you were a virgin. That is what made this so exciting." Brent said so casually as if he tells every girl the same spill. He continued to say "Now we both had a good time, but it was a one time deal."

I couldn't say a word. I was in shock and all I wanted  to do was puke. My blood was boiling and I let my anger get the best of me. I lost control and I slapped Brent Miller right across the face.

"What the fuck?!" Brent yelled

"How dare you! You took something away from me that wasn't intended for you. Don't you ever come near me again." I told him before storming off back to class. If Brent's face hurt even a fraction of the pain in my hand right now it was all worth it.

I am surprised that worked so well because Brent never spoke a word to me after. As for Stephanie and I, I think our friendship is too far gone.

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